Fortnite week 9 season 3: how to complete all challenge

We already have the challenges of week 9 of Fortnite season 3 available , with some challenges that will invite us to visit many corners of our favorite island.Some of the outstanding challenges of this week 9 of season 3 of Fortnite invite us to fuel a vehicle in Grudge Corner, stoke bonfires in Haddock Camp or get resources or chests in different locations.

In this week 9 of Fortnite season 3 we have some fairly simple challenges that you will be able to overcome in practically an afternoon, and with our guide you will not have problems with any of them thanks to our screenshots and descriptions.

Fortnite week 9 season 3: how to complete all challenges

These are all the challenges of week 9 of Fortnite season 3 :

  • Search chests in Pleasant Park (7)
  • Fortilla Eliminations (3)
  • Fuel a vehicle in Rincón Rencoroso
  • Light bonfires at Haddock Campground (3)
  • Collect Metal in Hydro 16 (200)
  • Eliminate minions or looters (7)
  • Eliminate minions or raiders (70)

Solution to all the challenges of week 9 in Fortnite season 3

Search chests in Pleasant Park (7)

We must go to Placentero Park which is a named location located in quadrant D2-D3, and open seven boxes of ammunition. We can do it in different games.

Fortilla Eliminations (3)

We must go to La Fortilla, one of the new locations with the name of the season and which is located in quadrant C6 and C7. We must make three eliminations and you can do it in different games.

Fuel a vehicle in Rincón Rencoroso

To complete the challenge we need to locate the service station or gas station closest to Rincón Rencoroso, one of the new locations on the map that is located in quadrant G7. Even if you see on the screen “step on a vehicle in Rincón Rencoroso”, the correct translation would be “put fuel to a vehicle in Rincón Rancoroso”.

Well, we need a gas station in which to fill the fuel tank of our vehicle and that is in Rincón Rencoroso and specifically we have one south of this same location.

Before going to the gas station we must focus on finding a vehicle, there are quite a few scattered throughout the game. In this area you can look over the bridge to pick up one of the vehicles, or you can land in nearby areas such as Ciudad Comercio or Sleeping Pools where there are many.

As you well know, fueling a vehicle is very simple, and basically we must park the vehicle near one of the gasoline tanks at the service stations. We get out of the car, we approach one of these tanks, we interact, and we drag the hose towards the vehicle until we see that the percentage begins to rise.

It is not necessary that you kill the henchmen that are in this area because you will not require a lot of time to fill up fuel, but if you have time you can dedicate yourself to eliminating these henchmen or even disguise yourself as one of them in a phone booth to go unnoticed.

Light bonfires at Haddock Campground (3)

First we must know the location of Abadejo Camping, which is an emblematic place that has been accompanying us for a few seasons and which is basically the big island in the southeast area of ​​the map.

Well, we have to go there, and fan (not just light) three fires, and we must locate them. We offer you the map with the three bonfires although we are going to tell you more clearly where each of them are:

You have a bonfire right in the port area, to the east.

The next one is very close. You simply have to go around the building in its southern area and you will find another fire next to several chairs and a red armchair.

You have the third campfire right in the center of the island, next to a chest, an umbrella and several chairs.

To stoke a campfire is as simple as lighting it and then stoking it with 30 units of wood. But note that if we reach that campfire and another player has already used it, we will require the addition of 300 units of wood to restore it and then 30 more units to enliven it.

Try to get to Abadejo Camp first because if there are already other users, the investment in wood could go up to 990 units in the worst case, but if you are alone you would only have to spend 90 units.

Collect metal in Hidro 16 (200 units)

Hidro 16 is an emblematic place (D7) that is located right where the dam is, to the northwest of Campo Calígine. We must collect 200 units of metal in the area or in the building itself.

Eliminate minions or looters

We have to eliminate henchmen or looters in a challenge that you will be able to perform naturally with the passing of the challenges and the days. There are a lot of looters scattered throughout the game, especially around Grudge Corner where you will already have to do a weekly challenge.

Eliminate minions or raiders (70)

The same as the previous one, but you must perform this challenge together with your friends or in groups with three other people and together eliminate 70 looters or henchmen.

With this you already know how to overcome all the challenges of week 9 in Fortnite season 3 .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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