Forms and characteristics of aggressiveness in children

In general, aggressiveness is a psychological disorder, where aggressiveness is a desire that sees other people can only hinder, hinder and also make him disappointed. This aggressive behavior can actually happen to anyone, from adults to even children. This can also be of particular concern for parents of children with aggressive attitudes. There are several aggressive factors, both in children and aggressive behavior factors in adolescents , can be related to psychologically and physically.

For parents who always see their children acting aggressively, of course there is no need to worry, because this trait is quite a lot experienced by children, so in controlling and also overcoming it, mother’s patience is needed so that their children can be more controlled and also calm. We need to know, aggressive behavior in children is often a sight that is generally very easy to see.

Even now, if a child experiences feelings of anger against him, it could be because there are things he doesn’t like and also sulking, the child will experience various symptoms of aggression. You can shout, cry which makes other people around him feel restless. The existence of aggressiveness can also be related to emotions in cross-cultural psychology that are difficult to control in the body. Because these children are still young, they don’t really understand how to control their emotions.

Apart from the angry attitude that he often shows, there are also several other attitudes that make this aggressive attitude appear, including physical fights with his friends, biting, and even pulling hair. Even though their behavior is limited to their peers and siblings, as a parent you must be able to control and transfer the child’s character, so that it does not happen again.

As for some of the characteristics of aggressive attitudes that are often seen, they are:
• Children who tend to force their will.
• Children who always blame others and are also overcome with anger.
• Always wants to put others down, usually done by peers and also siblings.
• Always causes tension as well as pain.
• Always expresses his heart in an inappropriate way.
• Just want the goal to be achieved, regardless of the feelings of others.
• Always put his own feelings first.
• Conveying things to other people in an explosive and angry way.
• Attacking, bullying.
• The child becomes irritable.
• It is very difficult to maintain friendly relationships.
• Throwing things and destroying other people’s belongings.
• Threaten his friends both physically and verbally.

How to deal with an aggressive child

Overcoming children who have aggressive traits is actually not difficult, it only needs the role of parents who can make children more in control of what they feel. Among them are several steps and ways that can be taken are:

  1. a) Investigate the Causes of Aggressive in Children

To be able to control children who have overly aggressive traits, of course what we have to understand is to actually investigate what causes these children to experience aggressiveness. We need to know that children generally become excellent imitators and there must be a reason that makes these children behave like this, it could be because of the TV shows they watch, or the conflict in their family. After finding out what things are the cause, the children will be able to make them more in control of their feelings.

b) Give Feedback Without Physical Penalty

The next step that must be done is to provide input to the child without having to give him physical punishment, if you want to diffuse the situation but get the child punished by physical punishment, of course this will not be a deterrent, later the child will feel that they have to repay the act with the wrong behavior again. These can also be called emotional traits in psychology that will continue to be difficult to control.

  1. c) Affirm to Children That Their Behavior Is Wrong.

Children between the ages of 3 and 10 do not really understand what is right and wrong. So it could be that the next time the child will hurt his peers again. Encourage the child to be more empathetic towards other people, so that the child will begin to be able to distinguish between his attitudes so long as this is wrong.

d) Channeling Children’s Energy Well.

Aggressive attitude in children is usually influenced by several things, it could be because of frustration and loneliness that occurs in children. So, to overcome such things as parents, we also have to understand very well about how to be able to make children divert their energy. one of them can invite children to play, exercise and also play games that can make their brain more aroused. So that in the end the child’s mind will begin to be distracted.

  1. e) More Understanding and Patience to Children

Making children have a disciplined attitude is not easy, in this case there is also energy that you have to spend. If you have given full patience and also made the child more peaceful and comfortable around the people in their environment, at least this can lighten your work a little. with peace and comfort in their environment will make children reduce their aggressive nature, this is also because children are excellent imitators, so that everything they do will be reflected and seen from what they see as well. The influence of aggressiveness in general can come from anywhere, not a few children who have this aggressive attitude appear because of what they have seen, among the factors that can allow this aggressive attitude to appear include:

  • There is a genetic influence.
    • Children find it difficult to make changes, for example by always changing schools, making it difficult to adapt.
    • He saw nothing good, for example parents who always quarreled and uneducated television shows.
    • Too much pampering children, this will be the most frequent trigger of aggression.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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