Food for a healthier menopause

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The menopause is only a date, the last rule. The period of time that elapses before, during and after that moment is known as climacteric, which is a vital stage in which the reduction in the production of female hormones ( estrogens and progesterone) coincide with the effects of aging .

The climacteric is, in the words of the specialist in community nutrition Joan Quiles, “a natural process; not a disease that has to be medicalized ”. As in any other stage of life, a healthy lifestyle is recommended , based on taking care of food , practicing physical activity and avoiding tobacco .

A nutritional answer for every problem

In climacteric, health problems can arise in which food plays a key role . The expert tells us which are the most relevant and how to prevent them or, at least, alleviate them with changes in diet.

Problem: bone loss

Estrogen deficiency contributes to accelerating bone loss, which is related to “the loss of bone mineral density and the probability of suffering osteoporosis and bone fractures”, summarizes Quiles, who gave a conference on this topic at the XII Congress of the Spanish Community Nutrition Society (SENC) , recently held in Madrid. Muscle mass problems can also arise.

Answer: calcium and vitamin D

Increase the protein content of the diet and, above all, provide a greater amount of calcium to the diet so that the calcium exchange in the bone is done in the most active way possible. “Normally we recommend 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day and, to be set right, I associate it with vitamin D .

The milk and dairy products are the main source of calcium, but also to consider other, among which the spines of fish are eaten whole , like sardines canned, or dried fruit .

As for vitamin D, its main supplier is the Sun , through ultraviolet radiation. The problem is that it is often difficult to reach the 10-15 minutes of daily solar radiation that would be enough to reach the recommended levels of vitamin D. Some foods, such as eggs, organ meats, liver and blue fish can contribute to increase the necessary amount of this vitamin and, “in case it is clinically observed that there is a deficit, you can give a supplement, ” says the expert.

Problem: weight gain

Another change related to menopause is the tendency to gain weight, which is due in part to hormonal deficit, but also to factors such as age and reduced physical exercise. “It is not something excessive: they earn 2 Kg on average, ” says Quiles.

Answer: reduce daily calories

The specialist clarifies that “it is not necessary to make a draconian diet” and that it is enough to consume around 500 calories less in the daily diet.

Problem: increased risk of arteriosclerosis

Female hormones help reduce cardiovascular risk during fertile life. With the climacteric that extra protection is lost and you have to be more alert to the consequences of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, which is an ” oxidation process “.

Answer: increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables and fish

Foods rich in antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, legumes) are the best allies against arteriosclerosis. A generous consumption of fish is also recommended , which provides polyunsaturated fatty acids , equally beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Exercise, an essential ally

Healthy eating habits must be accompanied by regular physical exercise. About 150 minutes a week may be enough, especially if they are divided into “an active exercise and an isometric one with large muscles that, in addition to facilitating circulation, help burn calories and help strengthen bone .

by Abdullah Sam
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