What is Fnac ( Federation Nationale d’Achat des Cadres)

Fnac is a large network of stores that operates in retail with cultural products (books, music, movies etc.) and also with electronics, offering their articles both in the virtual store and in the physical stores spread in several countries.

History of Fnac

The Fnac (Federation Nationale d’Achat des Cadres) was founded by friends André Essel and Max Théret, who in the year 1945 created a cooperative of buyers, who through agreements with the specialized trade pledged to offer prices with 10 to 20% below the market. More than 50 stores adhere to Fnac.

Initially, a part of the store was dedicated to photographic and film material, transformed into Clube Foto-Cine. The link between the members of the club was an information magazine called “Contact”.

The first Fnac store was opened in 1957 at number 6 Boulevard Sebastopol in Paris, specializing in photography and sound products. Four years later a record department was created. Ten years later, Fnac employed 95 people and had more than 100,000 members. That same year he created the appliance department.

In 1972 Fnac opened the first store outside Paris in Lyon. The growth of the chain of stores did not stop more, if Spanish by diverse countries. In 1999 Fnac Colombo opened in Lisbon, the first store in Portugal.

In 2000, Fnac purchased Shopping Cultural, opening simultaneously the first two stores in Brazil, Shopping Metrô Tatuapé and Pinheiros, in São Paulo . Today, Fnac in addition to São Paulo, has stores in Rio de Janeiro, Campinas, Curitiba, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte and Goiânia, working in the area of ​​books, music, film and TV, image, sound, computer, photo, telephony , games etc.

Fnac is one of the largest groups of stores of the genre in the world, with headquarters located in the city of Clichy, in Hauts-de-Seine, France. In 1977, the company’s founders’ last shares were sold to Société Génerale des Cooperatives de Consommation (SGCC), the financial arm of the COOP retail group.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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