Flu: how to prevent and treat it naturally

Winter is slowly approaching even if still a few sunny days makes us not think about it. And with the cold we know that the classic winter diseases will also come: flu, colds, sore throat, sinusitis and many others. We listened to the television which, already at the end of September, began, in a worrying crescendo, after the “nomination” of the annual shift influences, to show off a whole procession of terrifying information – “the flu promises to be very virulent” and “yes he expects he will put a large, very large number of people to bed “; I never understood how we can “scientifically” predict this number. But after all this collapse, here comes the indication of the possible salvation: the flu vaccine.

Flu vaccine? No thanks
Leaving aside the ethics that generate and move such information, we can simply say that this vaccine does not, in my opinion, represent an appropriate remedy for the flu (let alone for other diseases from non-flu causes).
In fact, 2-3 viruses are isolated each year among those expected to rage the world and vaccines are prepared with them. But we also know that influenza viruses are much more numerous than those prepared in vaccines and then there are also flu viruses and others, without neglecting the bacteria or the numerous non-infectious inflammatory states and so on. It is clear that the vaccine offers no coverage against all these things. In fact, it seems that the flu vaccination, rather than ensuring a certain protection against those very few viruses, “distracts” our already run-down immune defenses from operating properly and effectively against more than 90% of the other microorganisms not included in the vaccine. In fact, more and more vaccinated people are seen repeatedly getting “flu”.

Keeping healthy

The answer would seem difficult and complex at first glance but it is not at all.
The basic problem is obviously keeping us healthy and making sure that our immune defenses are normally active. Such as?

First of all with a healthy diet, which represents the most direct (and correct) way to activate our immune system. Fresh, raw, whole foods with good doses of seasonal and organic fruit and vegetables can certainly help us. Vitamin C, being highly thermolabile, is almost completely destroyed by cooking and so are other enzymatic substances or trace elements, so it is advisable to integrate many raw vegetables such as savoy cabbage or red cabbage and bell pepper and fresh fruit into the daily diet like citrus fruits and kiwis. It is no coincidence that nature grows many such vegetables in the winter such as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, along with other vegetables with proven immunostimulating activity such as garlic, onion, apples and an autumn fruit,

In autumn, lemon treatment, purifying, mineralizing and immunostimulant can be very useful, which is done by taking the juice of a squeezed lemon and adding, every day, another lemon until you take seven lemons squeezed all together on the seventh day. Then it decreases by decreasing by one lemon a day until it returns to one; you can therefore cease the cure or keep the juice of a lemon daily for a longer time.
The great world of fresh and vital foods can certainly be integrated by various plants with a therapeutic and immunostimulating effect such as echinacea, dog rose, acerola, uncaria tomentosa, ribes nigrum, thyme and many others, besides to the famous beehive product, propolis. These plants, taken food or in the form of solutions, tinctures or dry extracts, are rich in vitamins, trace elements and other important components that can help our defenses.
Algae and mushrooms also have similar properties due to their content in polysaccharides, flavonoids and glycoproteins.
In addition, trace elements such as manganese-copper, taken 2-3 times a week, exert a good “diatesic” action to prevent the frequent feverish pathological states of the winter period. There are also commercially available non-specific homeopathic immunomodulators that can provide excellent support for nutrition and herbal medicine. It is also useful to safeguard the body’s thermal balance both at the food level, as already mentioned, and by avoiding large temperature changes between the home and work environments, often overheated, and the external environment. This inattention favors the bacterial imbalance of our body (we know that everything is balance) and predisposes us to diseases.

What if we get sick?
Even the healthiest people, and especially children, can run into the disease. In this case the doctor or pediatrician immediately prepared the antibiotic which, in most cases, is not only useless (most of the winter diseases are viral, like the flu, therefore not sensitive to antibiotics) but even harmful , as it depresses our immune defenses and alters weakening our organism and predisposing it to get sick again. Therefore antibiotics should be used only in case of extreme necessity to avoid, in addition to the problems already described, also the addiction to them of the most harmful bacteria that become resistant. In the most numerous and trivial cases – in addition to natural remedies with a good antibiotic power such as propolis – there are other substances with similar activity,
Some of them (thyme, cinnamon, oregano etc.) have a marked and proven antibacterial effect which is superimposable and even superior to that of the most common antibiotics and does not cause bacterial resistance, like the latter.
Many plants with a predominantly anti-inflammatory action have always been used as flu shots: spiraea ulmaria, salix alba, (from which aspirin was “synthesized”) the devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) to treat the predominantly painful symptomatology inflammatory type, and also an old remedy already known by Hippocrates and Pliny, the black elderberry, very effective in controlling the most common flu symptoms and endowed with anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant activity. The phytotherapeutic panorama certainly does not end here, but the remedies mentioned are among the most popular and well-known. In the acute phases even trace elements can help us; in fact, a vial of copper trace elements taken 3-4 times a day helps to fight and better overcome the flu-like or less feverish situations. The important thing is to give our body the opportunity and the means to easily overcome the various and possible diseases of the cold season that, in some way, serve to “train” our immune defenses and not only to harm us.

To conclude, there are many alternatives to antibiotics and vaccines, but one cannot ignore healthy nutrition, appropriate physical movement and a correct lifestyle, which are essential to ensure good health. they serve to “train” our immune defenses and not only to harm us. To conclude, there are many alternatives to antibiotics and vaccines, but one cannot ignore healthy nutrition, appropriate physical movement and a correct lifestyle, which are essential to ensure good health. they serve to “train” our immune defenses and not only to harm us. To conclude, there are many alternatives to antibiotics and vaccines, but one cannot ignore healthy nutrition, appropriate physical movement and a correct lifestyle, which are essential to ensure good health.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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