Flashpacker: Travelers in the Digital Age

Flashpacker is a tech-savvy backpacker in the internet and social media era. Here we will discuss a little about Flashpackers from a text written by Cody Morris Paris, Professor of Sociology at Middlesex University Dubai, entitled ” Flashpackers: An Emerging Sub-culture? “.

We see nowadays it seems difficult to find a traveler who travels without carrying a gadget. A backpack that is carried or a suitcase that is carried everywhere now contains essential travel needs that are not only clothes and money, but also cellphones, tablets, laptops, complete with chargers, power banks, or even cameras, tripods, tongsis. Traveling in the digital era, like most other contemporary activities, cannot be separated from the intervention of digital technology.

The term backpacker which terminologically arises from the physical form of a ‘backpack’ carrying bag, then develops a cultural term which is now synonymous with traveler, traveler, and independent traveler. Backpacking is an independent travel culture that is now undergoing a transformation due to the presence of digital technology. A new term that is quite popular then appears among backpackers, which is called Flashpacker.

Is Flashpacker different from Backpacker? What’s the difference? The more interesting question is whether the two of them have different travel cultures? Journal of ‘Annals of Tourism Research’, Vol. 39, No. 2 pp 1094-1115 of 2012 contains an article entitled “Flashpackers: An Emerging Sub-Culture?” written by Cody Morris Paris.

The term flashpacker appears amid the convergence or unification of the physical mobility of the traveler with the development of digital communication technology and the internet. Digital technology allows flashpackers to be mobile to more places in less layover time. They are getting wired and mobile . Flashpackers are generally urban people with high mobility. They like traveling, traveling, which can be said to be part of their lifestyle. Flashpacker demonstrates the ‘travel culture’ that has emerged among backpackers. According to Paris:

“…, Flashpackers can be called hypermobile individuals who are physically and virtually attached to the backpacker culture and live in the process of unification that takes place between digital technology and everyday life. Flashpacker is an early pioneer adopting, exploring, creating virtual space from backpacking ”

The above statement clearly emphasizes the closeness between digital technology and mobility among flashpackers. Furthermore, Paris tries to compare the travel culture between flashpackers and traveler groups which it calls ‘non-flashpackers’ (backpackers). Cultural Consensus Analysis is used to see the difference between the two. The survey was conducted online in a backpacker Facebook group and offline at a motel in Australia. The preferences and intensity of using gadgets when traveling are used as a survey instrument to form 2 groups: flashpackers and non-flashpackers. The result:

“Flashpackers are more tech-savvy than non-flshpackers, as can be guessed at the start … However, there are some similarities between the two such as: Happy to bring a digital camera when traveling and often surf when at home … One of the striking differences is that more than 75% of flashpackers carry laptops, less than 14% for non-flashpackers. Flashpackers prefer to live in hostels with Wifi access than non-flashpackers, and log in much more often when traveling. “

Another difference is also indicated by the ‘cultural statement’ stated in one of the survey statements: “Frequently tweeting and Facebook when traveling reduces the backpacking experience”. Flashpackers tend to disagree with this statement, while non-flashpackers agree.

However, digital technology and the internet have contributed to creating a new cultural transformation in the world of backpacking or giving birth to a traveling ‘sub-culture’ as Paris said. Your traveling culture is backpacking or flashpacking?



by Abdullah Sam
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