Finite-State Machines (FSMs) are a well-established concept in computer science. They are used everywhere and in almost every software system you can think of, be it a compiler, an operating system, or even your printer ., as well as in automata. These state machines are widely used due to the many advantages they offer over other methods of implementing the same functionality. FSMs can be used to reduce code complexity by separating logic into discrete blocks, improve document readability by organizing code into separate subroutines, and make debugging easier by identifying specific execution paths through code. In this blog post you will learn what finite state machines are and why you should use them in your next project.
Index of contents
- What is a finite state machine?
- Why are they called finite state machines?
- How is a finite state machine implemented?
- Advantages of using finite state machines
- Limitations of finite state machines
- How is a finite state machine implemented?
- What is an automaton?
- The difference between AI and automata
- The history of automata
- Types of automata
What is a finite state machine?
A finite state machine, or FSM, is a computing model that can only be in one of a finite number of states at any given time. As its name indicates, an FSM is finite in the sense that it will end up running once started. The FSM is typically defined by a set of rules that describe the state transitions it can perform, along with the inputs that cause the transition from one state to another. These entries are also sometimes called “events.” The image shows a finite state machine in the form of a graph. Shows the input values and the corresponding state transitions that occur. The finite state machine starts in state S1 and ends in state S4, in this case, after following the path shown.
For example, some chips based on digital electronics have two possible states, as you may know.
Why are they called finite state machines?
Now that you know what an FSM is, let’s break down the name a bit. In computing, a state machine is a type of control flow often used in computational biology, artificial intelligence, and software engineering. Since an FSM can only be in one state at a time, it can be described as a machine whose current state is “finite”.
How is a finite state machine implemented?
The implementation of a finite state machine is not a unique technique ., but a family of methods that share a common principle. At a high level, a finite state machine can be implemented in two ways (more on these later). The first is to use an if-else statement. This method is easy to understand and implement, but it has some major drawbacks. First of all, the code becomes difficult to understand because everything is lumped together in one big condition. Second, if the state has many conditions, the number of if statements can become unmanageable, which can lead to readability and debugging issues. The second method of implementing an FSM is to use a switch statement. The switch statement allows you to write a separate function for each state and then execute one of the functions based on the current state. The advantage of the switch statement is that it is easier to understand the flow of execution through the code. The downside of this implementation is that it is not very scalable. That is, if the state has many conditions, the number of switch statements can become unmanageable, which can lead to the same readability and debugging issues.
Advantages of using finite state machines
Finite State Machines are widely used in real world systems, from a simple calculator application to a complex piece of software like a compiler. The following are the advantages of using FSM over other techniques:
- Simplicity: State machines are simple to implement and understand. The control flow is clear and there are no complex control structures such as loops to get in the way.
- Extensibility: The code is easy to extend. All you need to do is add more transitions with the right conditions and you don’t need to change the existing code.
- Reuse:The same state machine can easily be shared among multiple use cases. Because the state machine is independent of use cases, you can implement it once and use it as many times as you want.
- Testability: You can write unit tests for each state and the transitions between them. This makes it easy to identify problems in your code, especially when you have a large state machine.
Limitations of finite state machines
Now that you know why you should use FSM, let’s break down some of its limitations :
- Complexity: A state machine is a useful tool for solving a problem, but it is important to keep it as simple as possible. If you make the state machine too complex, you’ll end up with unreadable and unmaintainable code.
- Event ordering: An event can trigger multiple transitions. In these cases, the order of events may be important. For example, in an online shopping cart application, when a user selects an item, the system can put that item in the shopping cart, update the subtotal, and send an email to the user. The order of these events can be important in certain situations.
How is a finite state machine implemented?
To implement a finite state machine, one must first identify the states and the transitions between them . This will help you decide which events trigger the transitions between states. You can use a table or a flowchart to visualize the state machine. Once you have the state machine diagram ready, you can implement it using the switch statement. You can also use a for loop if the state machine has a fixed number of states. You can also use the if-else statement if the state machine has an unknown number of states.
What is an automaton?
An automaton is a machine that works by itself . It is a machine that has the ability to function autonomously. The word is also sometimes used to refer to an artificial humanoid, such as a robot. The automaton can work with a wide range of technologies, such as mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electromechanical, electromagnetic or computer systems. The automaton could work with a programmed sequence of instructions, or it could have limited self-direction capabilities based on artificial intelligence. An automaton can be created to perform a specific task, or it can be designed to be a fun novelty. The word automaton derives from the Greek “automatos”, which means “self-acting” or “self-controlled”.
In summary:
- They have mobility, that is, the ability to move.
- They have some degree of artificial intelligence, or the ability to perform tasks without direct human control.
- They are shaped like humans or animals.
The difference between AI and automata
Although both AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) and automata are concerned with creating sentient machines, there is a key distinction between the two. AI involves the creation of artificial intelligenceusing sophisticated computer programming. Automata, on the other hand, are machines built with mechanical components, such as gears and levers. AI uses computer hardware and software to simulate human intelligence, while automata use mechanical devices as work pieces. The distinction between AI and automata is not just a matter of form. AI is a software-based technology and therefore can be used virtually anywhere, from a smartphone to a computer. Automata, on the other hand, are physical machines and can only be used in a limited set of places.
The history of automata
Human beings have created mechanical devices for thousands of years.. For example, the ancient Greeks built intricate mechanical toys as gifts for their children. They also created complex automata to perform various tasks, such as operating the doors of the temples or turning the theaters. Automata in the Middle Ages were often built to warn people of danger. For example, the monks created mechanical creatures that sounded the alarm when a fire broke out. Automata took on a new importance with the advent of industrialization. Although industrial machines were mechanical, they were not considered automata. Automata gained a new level of sophistication with the advent of computer technology. This allowed even more sophisticated control of automata through computer programming.
Types of automata
There are many types of automata, from the simplest and most rudimentary to the most sophisticated. Here are some examples of different types of automata.
- Mechanical dolls: A mechanical doll is a type of primitive automaton in which a human figure is controlled by a set of gears and a rotating shaft. Although these dolls were sometimes used as teaching tools, they were also used as toys.
- Mechanical Toys: Mechanicaltoys are designed to look real, but are not designed to be life-size like a doll. There are a wide variety of toys that fall into this category, such as automatic music boxes, mechanical monkeys, and wind-up toy soldiers.
- Robots:A robot is a mechanical automaton designed for a specific purpose. Robots usually differ from other types of automata based on the level of artificial intelligence programmed into them.
- Automata: An automaton is a fully self-contained mechanical device designed to perform a single repetitive task. An automaton usually works with pneumatics, hydraulics or electromagnetism.