Fight with Link and Impa in The Battle of Hyrule Plain in Hyrule Warriors:

Fight with Link and Impa in The Battle of Hyrule Plain in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Cataclysm.

Objective to win : Repel the attack of the monster and other units in the Hyrule Plain

Defeat Condition : Link or Impa flee.

Controllable characters : Link  and Impa .

Hidden Kologs : 7

The moment has finally come. It is time to start the adventure that ‘ Hyrule Warriors: The Age of Cataclysm ‘ proposes with which is its prologue, in which we will be able to handle the first two characters of the game: Link and Impa . You will start in the north central area, from where you must go south to face the first horde of monsters.

Take out as many monsters as you can until a short cutscene appears in which the Hyrule soldiers  imprison them and lynch them with cannon shots. It will be your turn to go to the northwest corner of the map, where you must face a Moblin . It is a more resistant enemy than normal that, in addition, will have a shield. To finish him off, make perfect dodges by pressing B at the right moment or stand behind him when he attacks. This way, if you use up his shield, you can finish him off.

After this, they will give you 3 new objectives, where you will have to take three outposts indicated on the map. The one in the northwest corner is optional, although we recommend it so that you can get rewards. To do this, finish with enemies and when the head appears a Bokoblin  larger, finish with him. After this, take the southern path and do the same at the next post.

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Cataclysm

Fight with Impa

When you have finished with the boss of this position, you will have a cutscene in which you will meet the Mini-Guardian  and Impa , who will activate the little robot without realizing it. Now this character will follow you and you can control the Sheikah . Go south and if you kill all the enemies in the hole to the west first, you can enter the skull-shaped rock and open the chest.

Now continue south, being able to conquer another optional outpost (recommended) and the one furthest south as your main objective. It should be noted that you can use the bombs to do everything much faster by putting R + Y. Also, when you conquer the second place, a Fire Summoner will appear , a kind of enemy mage that will launch attacks of this element.

Go for him before continuing, since if you defeat him, he will drop his scepter, which you can use by pressing L + Y. He is in the main Plain and, like other bosses, you must finish him off to make the fight faster (or deplete his health bar the old-fashioned way). It should be noted that the fastest way to get there is to use Impa , which will now be available to use.

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Cataclysm

Save the Plain of Hyrule by defeating the 3 Moblin

Once you finish with this enemy, head to the last mandatory outpost, being the fastest to go with Impa  from where you are. Also, along the way there will be Lizalfos , some species of lizards that will camouflage themselves on the ground, as well as Chuchus . Kill them all and defeat the post boss Lizalfos  .

As soon as you have passed through this part, it will be time to face three Moblin  in the southernmost part, so head to this same location to face them. Of course, before doing so, keep in mind that you will pass through what must be the penultimate outpost (the most central in the area), so do not forget to conquer it.

In the same way, when you arrive in front of the 3 enemies, there will be another post in the southeast corner. Optionally conquer it for the reward. To finish, defeat the 3 Moblin  doing the same as with the previous ones and in this way the battle will end. After the cinematic, you will be on the world map and you will have the following mission available: The Uncontrolled Guardian .

by Abdullah Sam
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