How to fight laziness and embrace change

Have you ever had or are you experiencing a personal and working situation that you no longer feel yours, but from which you cannot escape? We at Junglam asked an expert how to overcome laziness and we offer you a concrete initiative to embrace change!

You are experiencing a moment of profound professional crisis. You strongly want to change. You say it to loved ones and inside you feel you are ready. But nevertheless, continue as always. Or, you are dragging a romantic relationship or conflict with a friend or family member. It is a situation that weighs on you and you would like to get out of, but even in this case you do nothing. Because?

The answer is as simple as it is brutal:  change costs effort . Giving up reassuring habits, leaving  the  mental and physical comfort zones , taking risks requires determination, commitment and a real desire to find space for something new in a life usually full of “things”. But doing it successfully is possible.

To understand how, we at Junglam turned to a coaching expert,  Marina Osnaghi , Business Coach who offers ad hoc paths to define, clarify and concretize her goals and grow humanly and professionally. Marina, who is the first Italian Master Coach, has shown us some useful tips to  combat laziness and embrace change .

Marina Osnaghi. Photo credits: Marco Sacchi Photographer

Summary [ hide ]

  • 1How to overcome laziness: one step at a time
  • 2Change as revolution
  • 3Physical fitness is the prerequisite for change (mental and not only)
  • 4Overcoming laziness with running: the 261Fearless Club Italia initiative

How to overcome laziness: one step at a time

Feel deeply, with strength to want to change, but then continue on the way always. Most likely, you are setting yourself unattainable goals. The best way to overcome laziness is to  start with you and go one step at a time .

Ask yourself on how many fronts your energy is engaged and how you can redistribute or close one or more commitments and activities in order to be able to insert something new into your personal and professional life.

Stop to reflect on what you can do to improve your condition, listen deeply and find a motto to help you remember that change is useful for our personal growth .

Marina Osnaghi suggests in fact to choose a  phrase to repeat like a mantra in the moments in which we need confirmation:

  • “Changing helps me live happier”
  • “One step at a time I will conquer what I desire”
  • “For me today changing means growing”

Change is a real revolution of habits.

Change as revolution

Changing therefore means shifting balances and changing consolidated and reassuring habits. A tiring and fearful process, which is based on the assumption of “letting go” of something to find something else .

For example, if you are in a phase of life in which you cannot fall in love and build a solid and lasting relationship, perhaps it is because you continue to look always and only at the “wrong” people. In this case, to change perspective, you have to “let go” of your inner and outer habits and find a new point of observation. In the same way, if you don’t like your job anymore, “letting go” of the safety and comfort of an activity you know is the prerequisite for finding another that will make you truly accomplished.

“Needless to say, the effort to do something new is titanic, even if it is a nice hot bath in the evening before falling asleep or joining the gym. For this reason, a good strategy is to give yourself personal priorities, “continues Marina Osnaghi .

A few examples?

  • Administer your physical and mental energy until morning. Insert breaks between a commitment and the other, thus avoiding finding yourself tired already in the middle of the day.
  • Plan goals and select allies. Avoid saying yes to too many people at once.
  • Beat the routine. Make a commitment to do at least 3 things a day that you don’t like, but which are functional to the desired change.

Physical fitness is the prerequisite for change (mental and not only)

Physical fitness has a bearing on the mind and thoughts.

An unbalanced or totally incorrect diet, little sleep, unregulated life habits, days full of stress and non-stop commitments  impact on the strength to plan and act change .

Without physical energy and with a head full of thoughts and things to do, we have seen that change risks becoming a chimera.

So, if you are fatigued, it is good practice to slow down the pace and embrace a lifestyle that includes moments of recovery.

If, on the other hand, you feel energized, you can spend time on a physical activity that helps you not only to stay fit but also to clear your mind.

Overcoming laziness with running: the 261Fearless Club Italia initiative

And to inspire you to act and put into practice your desire for a new you and a new life, we propose the initiative 261Fearless Club Italia by Greta Vittori . Fashion and sport PR and fashion contributor, as well as runner, with its initiative Greta aims to help women face their fears and disconnect from the routine of everyday life through non-competitive running.

Physical activity is a powerful vehicle for change, but practicing it alone can be daunting. The 261Fearless Club Italia initiative  in Milan was born precisely as a response to the will and need of all those women who want to leave behind the thoughts and worries of everyday life and focus on themselves and their needs.

After interviewing Kathrine Switzer (the first runner to cross the finish line of a marathon, when the race was forbidden to women) and discovering the existence of her 261Fearless non-profit organization (supported by Adidas and with several branches all over the world), fashion and sport PR, fashion contributor and passionate about running and sport Greta Vittori has decided to create a representation of the organization in Italy.

261Fearless Club Italia officially kicked off in May 2018 and is a focus on women who have aggregation, fun and sharing as their founding principles, with the aim of addressing and fighting their fears and prejudices through non-competitive running and sporting activity between women.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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