FIFA 22: How to change the difficulty

As you play FIFA 22 more and more, your skills will improve. You will be able to better locate the balls towards your attacker, and now how to better read your opponent when defending. In this guide we will explain how to change the difficulty in FIFA 22 , so that you can take up the challenge as you improve.

Modified difficulty in FIFA 22

Players can choose from six difficulty options. These have been the same for at least the previous five titles in the series, so if you’ve played FIFA recently, you’re likely familiar with them. These difficulty options are:

  • Beginner
  • Amateur
  • Semi-professional
  • Professional
  • World class
  • Legendary

To change the difficulty, go to Personalize in the main menu, then select “Settings”. Then go to “Game Settings”. Here the second option down will be ‘Difficulty level’, just select it and use the left analog stick or d-pad to change the difficulty option.

Difficulty in Ultimate Team

Note that in Ultimate Team the difficulty change in FIFA 22 is slightly different from the method given above.

First of all, you obviously cannot change the difficulty level when playing a Divisions Rivals or FUT Champs online match, because you are playing against someone else.

However, if you are playing Squad Battles, you will be able to change your difficulty after selecting the opposing team. Your difficulty level directly affects how many points you will earn for participating in the match in Squad Battles, so always try to push yourself.

When you’re done, press B and confirm that you want to save your changes, now you’re ready to take on a slightly tougher or easier opponent.

There you have everything you need to know about changing difficulty in FIFA 22 . For more tips and guides, head over to our wiki guide, search for dlprivateserver, or check out more of our coverage below.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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