Far Cry 6: How to Get Industrial Clues

Far Cry 6 Industrial Circuits are one of the many crafting materials in the game that you will need to purchase various upgrades and upgrades for your weapon arsenal. Specifically, they are used to create upgrades for your Supreme and Resolve weapons. Since these are some of the best weapons in the game, you are probably wondering how to get industrial circuits in Far Cry 6 , and this guide will tell you exactly what you will need to do to get the correct amount for all your leveling needs.

Obtain industrial circuits in Far Cry 6

Industrial circuits are obtained by purchasing them from Lola, the black market merchant in her guerrilla camps. You will need to buy them with Coin, which is a currency that is obtained by completing special operations, cooperative missions from Far Cry 6.

Once you have Coin, talk to Lola, then navigate to the “Black Market” tab.

Here you will find the possibility of acquiring industrial circuits for 150 Currency.

Trade of animal meat for industrial circuits

It is also possible to get industrial clues by exchanging particular animal meats from any vendor (or their workbench) in the game.

However, only types of animal meat can be traded in for these high-tech fries. Specifically, you will need the following animal meats to exchange them for industrial circuits:

  • Alpha coyotes
  • Alpha Crocodiles
  • Alpha Jaguar

Note that to get the meat from these you will need to use a bow or headshot if you hunt them with a pistol.

If you kill them with body shots from a weapon, you will only get damaged animal meat, and that is not good.

You can check the location of these animals on your map and purchase their locations at the Hunter’s Lodge building that you can purchase at your Guerrilla Camp. We have included the locations of some of these animals in the map screenshots below:

Once you have the meat, go to your workbench or vendor and select the “Swap Materials” option. You should now see the animal meats you collected under the heading “Industrial Circuit Trade.”

That’s all you need to know about how to get industrial circuits in Far Cry 6 . For more tips, tricks, and guides, head over to our wiki or check out more information about the game below.

by Abdullah Sam
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