Fallout 76: Wastelanders – walkthrough for raiders and settlers

Wastelanders Fallout 76 story quest walkthrough: vaccinating raiders and settlers, robbing Vault 79, and quest tips

After completing the Duchess’s introductory quests, the global plot of the Wastelanders add-on for Fallout 76 starts . It is divided into two broad subplots: vaccination of newcomers and robbery of Vault 79. The quest chain is long and will require a high level of the player.

We will tell you how to go through all the difficult parts of the storyline of the quests and share tips that will make it easier to complete.

New arrivals

To receive the task “New Arrivals”, three conditions must be met:

  • fulfill the instructions of the Duchess,
  • reach level 20,
  • Complete the Overseer Vaccine Crafting Mission from the original quest.

With the release of the update, the latter has become easy to do: talk to the Caretaker in her house and she will give you a task.

The goal of the players is to vaccinate raiders and settlers. Each of the factions will have to complete their own quest to convince them to be grafted.

A Strange Friendship (Raiders)

Rose will help to contact the raiders in the “Top of the World” location. Once in place, enter the elevator and press the top button to get to the observation deck.

Rose will demand to find the trophy that belonged to the former head of the raiders and a special AI program. The trophy is in David Thorpe’s apartment in the Pleasant Valley location. Search the table in the room to find a photograph of the Rosaleen memorial.

The location of the program will be marked after viewing the photo. Deathclaw level 21 awaits near the memorial.

If the level is small, use a trick:

  • take a sniper carbine,
  • jump on the rocky hill to the right of the path to the memorial – the monster cannot get there.

Repair the found program using the terminal in the “Solomon’s Pond” location. Several floaters and Agent Kensington will meet you on the spot. Try to shoot them from afar, but if you find yourself in the thick of the battle, use the basement marked by the quest – opponents cannot go down there.

The password for the terminal in the basement is recorded on a holotape, which is in the dry closet opposite the house. We’ll have to deal with the Agent to get there. There is a chance that the Floaters will attack him and kill him.

Rose needs a second holotape located in Arktos Pharma. The required holotape is in the trash can near the conference room. Inside the building, you will meet resistance from robotic guards.

Launch the finished “Connection” holotape through the radio tower – similar to the launch of the tape in the Duchess’s quest.

Return to the Top of the World and press the second button in the elevator to get to the mezzanine. Clear the area from the burned ones and talk to the arrived head of the raiders named Meg.

You can complete the quest at this stage if your level of “Charisma” or “Intelligence” is 12+. Just select the appropriate replicas.

Otherwise, you will have to go in search of the missing squad. The trailer, where the only surviving raider took refuge, is located east of Grafton.

You can kill Aldridge or keep him alive. The decision will not affect anything. If you leave alive, then returning to the trailer later, you will find there a burned one.

We’re here to stay (Settlers)

It is easier to negotiate with the settlers. Team Leader Paige will ask you to talk to their doctor about vaccinations. He is located in the camp south of the Pylon. Arm yourself in advance – during the search of the camp, burned high levels will attack.

Search the bodies in the camp to find out where the doctor is. High levels of “Luck” and “Perception” will not affect the completion of the quest, but will help to get useful resources from the bodies.

The doctor hid in a nearby cave. You can use Charisma or Intelligence 4+ to convince him faster.

New Arrivals-2

It remains to produce the vaccine at the nuclear cola plant. The task is divided into several actions:

  • start the reactor,
  • download the program,
  • go to the biometric scanner.

In the building you will meet ghouls, but they will not cause problems: the levels are low, and the Caretaker will cover you.

There are several ways to start the reactor:

  • use “Intellect” 8+,
  • “Luck” 8+,
  • assemble three power connectors.

Where can I find the power connectors?

The power connectors will be marked on the mini-map. Difficulties will cause only one – on the landing. Use the yellow excavator to jump onto the area.

How to start vaccine production?

The terminal is on the second floor. To run the program, you need “Intellect” or “Perception” 8+. If the skill level is not enough, ask the Caretaker for help.

After the program has finished loading, press the button and take the Coke boxes from the dispensing tape. It remains to take the vaccine to the raiders and settlers.

Under the Eye of the Overseer

Go to Vault Tech University. There will be many hostile Protectrons inside. Your task is to talk to the robot professor on the second floor, who will make the hero pass the Overseer test.

To pass the test task, you need to resolve the conflict between two robots in a training shelter under the university.

An altercation took place between the medical robot Loris and the robot engineer Brass. In a conversation with the player, each of them will ask for help in eliminating the other.

Loris will offer to take a report on the state of Brass to the robot guard Robinson. The engineer himself will ask you to find a holotape, which he will then fake. This record will help to get the arrest of the honey robot. In a conversation with Robinson, a fake holotape can be used as evidence against Brass.

After resolving the conflict, the robot professor will inform the heroes about the location of the secret compartment of the shelter. It contains information about Vault 79, which holds the reserves of the US gold fund.

On the Crater Side (Raiders) / Duty Calls (Settlers)

A raid on Vault 79 will require the help of raiders or settlers. Talk to Paige or Meg to start a series of quests for the selected faction. At this point, you can complete preparatory tasks for both factions. The game will warn you when you have to make the final choice.

Each group has three preparatory tasks. For now, we will not dwell on them in detail, but instead focus on the heist of Vault 79.

How to facilitate the passage of the robbery?

Successfully completing the heist will require a high level. We recommend that you collect at least level 25-30 before going through the final stage of the quest. But even at this level of pumping, tasks will cause difficulties.

There is an effective way to make the passage easier. For completing the second Settlement Quest with the settlers, you will receive a Chinese armor scheme with an invisibility function.

Don’t worry if you want to complete the heist as the Raiders: after completing the mission with the armor, you can return to the orders of the raiders.

To craft armor you will need:

  • protective fibers – 25,
  • optical fiber – 12,
  • wiring – 16,
  • rubber – 37,
  • nuclear material – 7.

The kit is easy to use. After crouching, the hero becomes invisible and will be able to inflict critical damage on opponents. Use a silenced sniper rifle for maximum effect.

Which faction is the best for the robbery?

There are no global differences between passing as raiders or settlers. The previous mission and the method of entering the shelter will change. Passing for raiders is a little easier due to fewer opponents.

After completing the heist, you will receive a large increase in reputation with the faction with which you completed the job. Therefore, choose a grouping to which you plan to join in the future.

From Russia with Leo (Raiders)

If you choose the raiders, you will be sent to the entrance to the bunker, where you will find the bound Lucky Lu, guarded by a yao-gai. After being freed, the ghoul reveals that a group of raiders have betrayed Meg.

The head of the raiders will advise you to talk to three potential traitors. You can try to figure out the traitor yourself or buy information from Molly for 300 caps. If you don’t want to waste time, quickly interview everyone and blame Barbara.

The lion and a group of loyal raiders took refuge at the Poseidon Energy station. Leo himself is easy to kill, but his protection will cause difficulties. Chinese armor comes in handy here – carefully shoot enemies from afar.

Leo will report a traitor among the settlers and then an optional task will appear with the search for a man named Rocco. Completing the task will give almost nothing, but if you decide to take the time, find Ward in Pillar and ask him.

Buried Treasures (Raiders)

The way to enter the shelter depends on the faction for which you go through the heist. Raiders will prefer to blow up the door to the bunker.

How do I open a door using a terminal?

Inside the shelter, the heroes will find themselves in front of another locked door. The game will tell you to open it through the terminal in the next room. The terminal will give an error.

There is a blue key card to the right of the computer. She opens the door to the control room opposite the vault door. Switch the lever behind the panel.

How to get through the laser grid?

Your companions will enter a room with a terminal that opens access through the frames. The door will lock and you can only communicate with them through the intercom. In a conversation with Johnny, choose any answer options – he will not be able to hack the terminal and he will be shot by the turrets.

On the intro tell Gail to get into the scanner, ask her to give her name and report that the heroes came to the bunker for a signal for help.

In the atrium behind the laser grid, you will meet another wave of robots, among which there will be a legendary security robot. Caution: Many robots explode after death, causing high damage.

To the right of the atrium entrance is a room with all the workbenches.

Wealth Sharing (Settlers)

The passage of the robbery for the settlers will also begin with a set-up – the raiders have kidnapped Penelope Hornwright and are holding her in Hornwright Industrial. A raider named The Hijacker will demand a share of the gold from the hideout heist.

There are several solutions to the problem:

  • agree to share the gold,
  • use “Charisma” 8+,
  • “Force” 8+,
  • to kill him.

After talking with Penelope, it will remain to fix the “Goldmine”. Everything here is quite straightforward: go through the cave, kill the miner moles, climb into the scanner and install the intelligence module.

All that glitters (Settlers)

The settlers will use the “Gold Mine” to destroy the bunker wall. In this case, you will have to fight a lot: in the resulting tunnel you will meet with miner moles, and in the shelter itself you will have to fight off several waves of robots.

Secrets Revealed

Talk to the government secret service, which will ask you to turn on the ventilation system in another part of the shelter. Along the way, you will meet a friendly ghoul named Digger.

Be careful: there are several robots in the room, including the legendary assaultron. There is also a turret system. Carefully use your sniper carbine to deal with opponents or sneak past using Chinese armor. Then go up to the second floor, turn on the ventilation system and wait for the doors to unlock.

It remains to pick up the gold from the marked room, talk to the secret service and share the gold with the head of the selected faction.

Gold Bars are the new game currency. In Vault 79 from Regz, you can purchase unique armor set schematics for ingots.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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