Fallout 76: how to complete the quest Strength in numbers

In  Fallout 76, the quest Strength in Numbers unlocks after completing the previous quest The Hunter for Hire, in which you deal with a raider gang that is pursuing the Duchess, the owner of the local watering hole The Wayward. Regardless of whether or not you killed the boss of the Roper gang, the Duchess will ask you to help find her hired muscles missing in action: a man named Sol and an attacker named Polly.

Polly is equipped with a tracker that you can use through your Pip-Boy. Go to the radio tab and select the transmitter signal frequency that highlights the quest marker as a circular area on your map. When you get close, follow the amplified beeps to find the tracker. Unfortunately, the ranger leads to Polly’s missing hand, a pile of scorched corpses, and several heaps of laser-decayed ash. Excellent!

One of the corpses, however, has a note that says Gauley Mine Production Log. From there you can follow the trail of scorched corpses to the main entrance to the Gauli Mine, located near the hotel. Enter the mine and follow the path straight ahead until you see Sol lying wounded on the ground. You can give him a stimpack if you like and he will tell you to help Polly.

Keep fighting until you reach Polly, then take her head and use her laser on her face to blast waves of scorched ones approaching you. After they are all destroyed, return to the wayward head with Polly’s head and talk to the Duchess. Put on Polly’s head and place it on the pitcher at the top of the bar.

Now that you’ve saved Sol and Polly – the parts of Polly that at least count – the Duchess wants you to find another body for the attacker. Travel to Summersville and go to the marked robotics shop; you only need to kill the Blood Eagles that are on your way to get to the door.

When you enter the building, you can talk to Skinner, the robot’s clerk. There are several robot showrooms that have functioning bodies to which you can attach the Duchess’s robot body retrieval signal, but Polly would rather remain a stormtrooper. You can enter the Assault Fighter Demo Room by intimidating Skinner with a 4+ Strength to get a Key Card, or by opening the door upstairs with a Lockpick Score 1. Alternatively, if you are already a US General in Fallout Endgame before Wastelanders 76- Year 1, you can requisition a military grade robot to receive a key card.

Make sure to avoid the red laser beams and head towards the door at the far end of the room. This one has a higher security level. You can unlock it with a 3 lockpick count or just enter the code 88888 on the keyboard. Attach the signal tag to the stormtrooper and return to Wayward to tell Polly the good news.


by Abdullah Sam
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