Fallout 76 Hack Terminals – Location and levels of terminals

Some of the toughest moments in life in the wastelands of Fallout 76  aren’t radioactive mutants, deadly robots, or even bugs (literal or otherwise). No, what’s really hard is getting the daily terminal hacking quest  without knowing where to find it or where to find it in a level that you can actually hack. That is why we have compiled this list of terminals that you can hack, no matter how low you are looking for.

The Daily Quests in Fallout 76 are designed to quickly and easily complete tasks that provide good rewards and incentives to come back every day. However, there are a few chosen ones that no one wants to do when they appear. Finding a terminal to hack may be the least favorite of every day in the game, whether because terminals can be hard to find, or because you need to find a terminal of a certain level to be able to hack it, whichever is whether you have the Hacking Perk or not.

Where To Find Hacking Terminals In Fallout 76

Terminal levels range from zero to three, and only level zero is available without investing in the Hacker perk. Obtaining the Hacker perk will allow you to hack the terminals of the first level, but to hack the terminals of the second and third levels, you will need Expert Hacker and Master Hacker cards, respectively.

Layout of Level Zero Terminals

At Camp McLintock’s main building, up the stairs.

Inside the General Managers’ office of Whitesprings.

Enter the control tower at Wade Airport.

In the basement of Morgantown Airport.

Warehouse management is also located at Morgantown Airport.

At the entrance to Abby’s bunker in Mira.

There are two of them at Harper’s Ferry Armorer at Harper’s Ferry. Keep in mind that in order to get to this terminal, you need to jump into the complex and either avoid or kill the level 40 mrk VII turrets.

Reception terminal at the Poseidon power plant.

Also at Poseidon Power Plant, Fuel Storage Terminal.

The lighthouse keeper’s terminal, found in the Landview lighthouse keeper’s home.

At the Garrahan Mining headquarters, go through the door, turn right and follow the monorail tunnel to the end.

Back at the Harrakhan Mine Headquarters, which is on the opposite side of the security door you just hacked.

Finally, hack the CEO’s terminal at Garranhan’s headquarters.

Manager’s terminal at The General’s Steakhouse.

Manager Smith’s terminal at Mama Dolce’s Food Processing.

The McFadden terminal is located at the Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center.

Layout of Level One Terminals

Fujiniya Intelligence Base, go under Mama Dolce’s, through the hatch and turn right.

Also at the Fujiniya Intelligence Base, go down the three flights of stairs and find her next to the locked cage.

Dryer Chemical supervisor terminal. Walk to the right of the complex inside a building with two chimneys and a sign.

A service terminal at the Red Rocket mega-stop.

Go up to the 2nd Floor of Sals Grinder’s in Beckley.

Security Terminal – [Alpha, Bravo & Charlie – Silo]

Mainframe Access Terminal – [Alpha, Bravo & Charlie – Silo]

Maintenance Terminal – [Alpha, Bravo & Charlie – Silo]

Guest terminal in the second room of the Sunnytop ski run.

Inside the barn north of the Flooded Trainyard.

Inside the New Appalachian Central Highway train ticket building.

Inside the Watoga Community Center.

Layout of the Second Level Terminals

Watoga Transit Hub terminal.

Watoga Emergency Engineer Terminal.

The manager’s terminal inside the Appalachian Antiques near Watoga.

Terminal Director of Watoga High School.

Terminal cafe at Drumlin Diner, Watoga.

Ranger Station Terminal in Cranberry Marsh.

Security Station Terminal – [Alpha, Bravo and Charlie – Silos].

Mainframe terminal – [Alpha, Bravo & Charlie – Silo].

Mainframe Access Terminal x 2 – In close proximity to each other: [Alpha, Bravo & Charlie – Silo].

Terminal of the administrative office of the headquarters of Harrahan Minning.

The Watchtower terminal in a flooded courtyard. Keep in mind that Dusky and Glowing Yao Gui reside in this area, levels 66 and 76 respectively.

Master’s terminal in Kerwood Mine. Access to this terminal requires a Kerwood Mine Key.

Terminal Fort Defiance. This requires access to the BOS area behind the laser reticle.

Mining supervision terminal in the Monogah mine.

Layout of the Third Level Terminals

Terminal Foyer – [Alpha, Bravo and Charlie – Silos].

Monitoring station – [Alpha, Bravo and Charlie – Silos].

Security Control Terminal – [Alpha, Bravo and Charlie – Silos].

The mainframe access terminal is [Alpha, Bravo & Charlie – Silo].

Security Station Terminal – [Alpha, Bravo and Charlie – Silos].

The shooting range terminal is located on the third floor of the Jerrahan estate.

While there are definitely more terminals in the wastelands of Fallout 76, there should be enough of them to get you through any hacking quests no matter what level you are in.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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