Extreme heat: what to eat to cope better

Extreme heat: what to eat? Or, can we act on our diet to better tolerate it?

In the first days of the hot summer, when temperatures reach the maximum peaks of the season, on TV, on the radio, on the web and in magazines of all kinds we can read all kinds of advice: drink lots of water , don’t go out during the hottest hours, wear light clothes and so on and so forth…

For what concerns me more directly, I would like to tell you that nutrition also plays an important role in this case. This means that in this period more than ever it is important to pay particular attention to the choice of foods.

Very hot: what to eat and what not to eat

Given that, since we sweat a lot, we need to hydrate our body and replenish lost mineral salts, here are the most important things to know for an adequate diet on hot summer days.

Vegetables: go ahead and overdo it!

Green light to large quantities of fresh and seasonal vegetables, preferably raw, with some exceptions. Green salads, dips with carrots, celery, courgettes, cucumbers, tomatoes… can constitute the main part of the meal, with the advantage of providing few calories and many important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants.

Fruit: every day, but not too much

Seasonal fruit is very important, it also contains important vitamins, mineral salts and enzymes, very useful for the proper functioning of the body. In this case it is better not to overdo the quantities because of the sugars ( fructose ): some fruit for breakfast is welcome and a couple of portions as snacks to break the hunger.

Fruit salads are also good, but avoid mixing many different types of fruit. The ideal is a single fruit salad , or a mixed berry salad. To learn more, read the article that explains how to combine fruit .

If you love melon and watermelon, I recommend eating them alone and away from meals.

Reduce your consumption of animal proteins

In particular, since they weigh down digestion, it is important to drastically reduce the consumption of

  • Red meat
  • Cured meats and sausages
  • Preserved meats
  • Mature cheeses.

Choose the most digestible proteins

Steamed or pan-fried fish is a great option, with a generous side of vegetables. Fresh legumes and eggs, preferably not fried, are also great.

Avoid all dishes that make digestion difficult

  • Fried
  • Elaborate dishes and sauces
  • Big plates of pasta with lots of sauce
  • Desserts at the end of a meal (especially avoid creams and ice creams immediately after lunch or dinner)
  • Sweets in general: in particular: cakes and brioches with cream, biscuits with chocolate, etc. The less sugar you ingest, the better.

Avoid very salty foods

Olives, anchovies, fermented vegetables, salami, sausages, soy sauce… better to leave them for the winter.

Avoid sauces, the only permitted condiment: extra virgin olive oil

Banish mayonnaise, ketchup and other various sauces for dressing salads and crudités. Choose extra virgin olive oil.

In general: eat less and avoid large meals

When the heat arrives, if you notice, your appetite decreases. It is enough to listen to this important signal from the body to understand that it is better to eat less and avoid large meals.

Hot weather: what to drink and what not to drink

Drink lots of still water

Drink often and lots of water. There is no fixed amount, certainly the advice is to increase the amount you usually drink in other periods of the year. It is better that it is not cold or icy . If at room temperature it is too hot you can make a mixture of water at room temperature and fresh water from the fridge. It is better to avoid ice . If you go out in the evening, avoid glasses full of ice cubes that various places usually offer.

Drink fruit and vegetable juices

Centrifugated or extracted juices of fruit and vegetables are a great way to nourish yourself while hydrating. To be integrated into your diet. They do not replace fruit and vegetables as they do not contain fiber, but they are a great way to naturally fill up on vitamins and mineral salts.

Avoid drinking these beverages

  • Sugary drinks, including the popular zero-calorie , fake-healthy soft drinks
  • Packaged fruit juices, very rich in sugar
  • Alcoholic beverages, especially spirits.

You can occasionally indulge in a glass of wine on social occasions, but if you are in the habit of drinking wine with meals, it is better to abandon it during this period.

Listen to your body’s signals

Feel the sense of hunger, feel thirst, observe how you feel after eating. If you have never done it consciously it is not easy, but you can learn. Our body is intelligent and can give us the right suggestions to function at our best. Now I ask you the question again. Very hot: what to eat? Maybe you also know the answer now.