exercises to improve attention and concentration

Last Monday we talked about how to take advantage of the beautiful moments that we live during the day and we commented that the care process is key to achieving it.

Concentration is the ability to be attentive to what is added and inattentive to what remains, what we described in the post as “focus” and “blur”.

Our level of concentration improves in several ways. And we are going to work on this this week.

One way to focus is by making the task difficult . The level of difficulty that we have to establish is one that requires a high level of concentration but that we are able to solve. When we are faced with a simple task, we get bored and distracted.

You can make the task difficult by putting a limited time to solve it. Put a time for the emails you have to answer, a time to cook, a time to finish part of your work.

Having time focuses us, urges us a little and with it we concentrate better.

A second way to improve concentration is to seek the state of “flow”, which is reached when we are “in the zone”, when we are enjoying what we do.

If what you have to do is not entirely attractive, make the environment attractive . The music, the decoration, the light, the space … There is always something we can change to make us feel more comfortable.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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