Examples of Research Methodology

What is research methodology? Etymologically, research methodology will explain technically. For example, it will reveal ways, methods or tricks. Because the context is conducting research, the most fundamental basis that you must have is knowing the process of conducting research.

In another simple sense, research methods can be interpreted as the process of choosing a specific way to solve problems in conducting research. As long as conducting research takes a long time, then a more systematic method is needed.

So in this article review, not only learn the theory. But also learn about how to do data analysis and what the analysis techniques are like and how. Immediately see the following review.

Understanding Research Methodology

As a basic introduction, on this occasion we will review what research methodology is according to experts.

A. According to Sugiyono

According to Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, research methodology is a scientific way of finding data for certain goals and uses.

B. According to Muhiddin Sirat

Almost the same as Muhiddin Sirat’s opinion , which means that methodology is a way of determining and selecting problem topics, to be used as a determination of the research title itself.

C. According to Winarno and Nasir

Different from the opinion of Prof. ME Winarno , who stated that research methodology is a scientific activity carried out with systematic techniques. While Muhammad Nasir , defines it as the main way used by researchers to carry out research.

As mentioned earlier. What is research methodology because it is motivated by the desire to find answers to problems that have arisen. Therefore, research and research need to be carried out. Where research and research must be carried out in a structured and systematic manner.

That is why in conducting research or studies, a student or researcher must follow systematic research rules. It is said to be systematic in several ways. First, carry out the identification process and formulate the problem. Second , prospective researchers must first prepare a framework of thought and formulate a hypothesis.

Without a hypothesis and problem formulation , all problems feel incomplete. Next, a discussion of the problems faced is carried out. Of course, the discussion is based on the findings of the data that has been entered. Only at the end is the chapter on making conclusions and suggestions.

Research Methodology Objectives

Maybe for a small number of people will only ask what is a research method? Just a figment of the imagination. Or consider it an obligation from the university. Apart from all that, who would have thought that this research methodology also has a fundamental purpose.

The purpose of the research method is expected that researchers can obtain competent, credible, accurate and of course accountable research results. At least the research conducted will answer the problems being studied by the author.

In terms of type, research methodology basically has three benefits. First, to gain new knowledge or discoveries. Second, it can be used to prove or test existing truths. Third, it helps in developing richer and more knowledge.

Types and Examples of Research Methodology

Touching on what is research methodology, there are several types of research methods that you should know before entering the field. There are at least several research methods that are often used by many researchers.

In general, the types of research methodology are qualitative methods, quantitative methods, survey methods, ex post facto methods, and descriptive methods.

1. Qualitative Method

Qualitative method, which is a research method that provides more analytical and subjective explanations. In this method, researchers use the perspective of participants as the main picture in obtaining research results.

In qualitative methods, research techniques are usually used in the form of observation, experiments and open interviews. If in quantitative methods the data is in the form of numbers/scales, in qualitative methods the data can be in the form of opinions or results of field recording.

2. Quantitative Method

Second, the opposite of qualitative, namely quantitative methods, namely methods that are carried out systematically and use mathematical models. The hypotheses and theories used are usually related to natural phenomena. The nature of this research is objective and analytical.

To obtain research data, several methods are usually used, such as tests, examinations, and structured interviews. The research data obtained are in the form of numbers, scales, or graphs that can be calculated.

Also read: Qualitative and Quantitative Data in Research

3. Survey Method

Third, the survey method is a research method that is packaged and arranged in the form of opinions. This research method is also used to create a general picture through a sample of several people.

4. Expo Facto Method

Fourth, the ex post facto method is a research method that relates cause and effect.

5. Descriptive Method

Fifth, descriptive method is a research method that describes events directly or indirectly. What is descriptive research methodology is divided into two, namely longitudinal and cross-sectional methods.

Read more: 7 Types of Research Methodology

Uses of Research Methodology Based on Type

What is research methodology? It turns out to have extraordinary uses in the world of research. If so far research methodology has only been for academic purposes. It turns out that solutions or research results academically can provide solutions and changes in many areas. Not only in the realm of education, but also in the social and medical realms. One of them is for the following interests, we will see.

1. Pure Research by Developing Theories

So the use of pure research as basic research is often used to develop existing theories to be more comprehensive and more complete. This pure research is different from applied research.

2. Applied Research to Solve Problems

So applied research is a research methodology that is based on its level of usefulness. This research focuses more on solving problems in practical life.

Solving problems based on real events in the social environment. In other words, this research method is more targeted for the surrounding community, because it is not guided by theory (where in some cases, theoretically it actually limits the decision-making of solutions).

3. Action Research to Create Specific Actions According to Theory

Maybe you rarely hear about this research methodology. So this action research is a research that is intended to make specific actions in accordance with the theory. So this theoretical review is used as a reference or search for solutions to existing problems.

So indeed the methodology is not only as a problem solver that is case study and academic. But it can also be used to solve problems experienced by the community. For example, it can eradicate poverty, provide solutions to case problems that hinder citizen productivity, can find medicine in the medical field and there are still many uses of research methodology.