Elden Ring Guide: How To Defeat Godrick, The Grafted

We help you kill Godrick, the final boss of Stormshroud Castle in Elden Ring. Follow our tips and get through the fight with no problems.

Godrick, the Grafted is the first final boss you will encounter in the Elden Ring . He is a very powerful enemy that you must defeat if you want to continue your journey through the Midlands. The target is deep within Stormshroud Keep, located in Necrolimbo, West . In this piece of our complete guide we help you with the best tips and strategies to kill it.

How to kill Godrick the Grafted;Elden Ring Guide: How To Defeat Godrick, The Grafted

The first thing you need to know is that next to the Grace located near the boss mist, you can use the summon sign to have an allied NPC help you during the battle. He is not very strong and is likely to die soon, but it is advisable to have him to distract Godrick and take advantage of that moment to memorize his movements and deal him the odd blow.

  • First phase of combat: Godrick, the Grafted is the first great enemy that you have to face, so you must be very careful. His specialty is melee attacks, but sometimes he may throw projectiles from a distance. In this first round, the best thing you can do is get a few meters away from him (not too far), block the final attacks of his combos and take the opportunity to hit him once or twice. Of course, when you see a yellow flash, a sign that a huge electrical mallet is about to materialize, roll away from it and stay safe, because it is not possible to block those hits at this point in the game.
  • Second phase of the fight: things get serious as soon as Godrick loses approximately half of his life. At this point he will don a huge dragon head for an arm and be able to spit flames across much of the stage. Luckily, it’s easy to spot when he’s about to do it so you can sprint out of the area and run around in circles so you don’t get hit by the flare. Otherwise, as long as he doesn’t use fire, the combat is very similar to the first phase.