Drinking water: what you need to know about your body!

Water intake is an important step in our daily lives. For the proper functioning of the organism, drinking water is one of the  best care  you can take. Therefore, it is recommended between 1 and 2 liters of water daily for complete hydration. But do you consume all this?

A very common question is with regard to foods rich in water: do they contribute to our hydration? The answer is yes; in a way, they assist in this task. But a lot of attention is needed: no food replaces the hydration provided by water!

However, eating water-rich fruits and vegetables can be excellent for your health. Do you know what they are? Check it out in this post!

What foods are rich in water?

1) Watermelon

Watermelon is one of the fruits with the highest water concentration: 91.5%. It is also a great source of lycopene, a substance that works to fight cancer! The great advantage of watermelon is that it can also be consumed in juice format, which further enhances the hydrating power.

2) Cucumber

Cucumber is an extremely water-rich vegetable, accounting for 96.7% of its composition and is perfect for complementing snacks and salads! An interesting tip is to use and abuse cucumber in the preparation of soups, which helps even more in the hydration process. In addition, it is a vegetable rich in vitamin K, C and B1!

3) Lettuce

Even though it is a food criticized by nutritionists because of its lack of nutrients, lettuce is quite rich when it comes to water: 95.6% of the composition of the leaves! The advantage is due to the possibilities and combinations. You can assemble salads, combined with other foliage and vegetables equally rich in water, and even complement with meats like chicken! You can also combine snacks and wraps.

4) Tomato

The versatility of the tomato and its high water content are the great advantages of this food. Rich in vitamin C, A and B, when transformed into soups and sauces, they have an even greater hydrating power. In addition to these dishes, tomatoes go very well in salads and recipes for afternoon snacks, and are even welcome as a snack.

5) Cauliflower

For those who want to contribute to hydration and keep cholesterol levels in order, cauliflower is the perfect food. In addition, the food also has action to fight cancer, which further increases its health benefits. In addition, the variety of recipes that can be made based on cauliflower is wide: salads, gratins and baked goods are just some of the options.

That water is important for the proper functioning of our organism, you already know that! But would you know how to answer some of the problems that the lack of it can cause in our body? For you to understand this need, see the list we have prepared!

5 problems for not having the habit of drinking water

1) Migraine

A large number of people suffer from the dreaded migraine. Often debilitating, this problem varies greatly in intensity. This headache can be a dehydration problem! This is because a good intake of water helps a lot in the task of regulating our body temperature; when we drink little liquid, our temperature rises and, in defense of this, there may be a dilation of the vessels, which can cause severe headaches. Take the test: get in the habit of drinking the right amount of water for your weight and height and watch for crises.

2) Arthritis

For those who do not know, arthritis is nothing more than a wear and tear on the cartilages of our body. This cartilage is responsible for covering the joints and, thus, protecting them from injuries caused by movements and impacts. Poor hydration can cause problems in this tissue, since it consists of water in large part and, without good lubrication, protection against injuries can be compromised.

3) Constipation

Another very common problem, constipation can be related to a number of factors, including  water intake . Anyone who is not in the habit of drinking water regularly may end up suffering from this, as water is responsible for helping to process food and lubricate it, so that the body can properly dispose of it through feces.

4) Kidney stones

It is not new that drinking water is closely linked to kidney issues. In addition to genetic predisposition and diet, kidney stones also occur in those who are under hydrated. That’s because the kidneys are responsible for filtering our entire body and, when there is little fluid, the minerals can end up becoming kidney stones.

5) Caries

Few people know, but low water intake can also be reflected in people’s oral health. Drinking water regularly helps to decrease the flow of saliva, which decreases the incidence of cavities. In addition, salivary flow calls into question bad breath, which can also be improved by drinking water. In the same sense, periodontal problems are also one of the problems that can be alleviated when drinking water regularly and in the recommended amounts.

Now that you know some of the problems and diseases that the lack of water can cause in our body, how about hydrating yourself right now! But calm down: did you know that there are different types of water? Not? So wait a little and get to know each one of them below:

What types of water are there?

Fresh water

Known by all, it is the water found in rivers and lakes. It is recommended that it be ingested if it undergoes a treatment system that makes it totally suitable for human ingestion. It is usually called fresh water because it has little sodium chloride.

Salty water

Rich in dissolved salts, it is the water present in the seas and oceans. It should not be ingested, both because of the high levels of salt and also because of the risk of contamination. It is the type of water in greatest abundance on Earth, totaling 97.5% of the amount of water in the world.

Potable water

This type of water is nothing more than fresh water that has undergone a purification and filtration treatment and, therefore, is in good condition to be consumed. Drinking water can also be found in natural sources and, as long as it is pure, it can be ingested.

Brackish water

It is found in the meeting areas between river and ocean. Its consumption is strictly forbidden because it is a type of water with an abundance of dissolved salts, which can be harmful to health. Its appearance is usually cloudy and the water, if in contact with soap, usually does not foam.

Distilled water

It is a type of water obtained artificially through the distillation process – which is nothing more than the separation of mixtures / substances. This type of water is widely used in laboratories and industries, whether in the manufacture of medicines or as an industrial reagent.

Polluted water

Unfortunately, it is also a very common type of water in our daily lives. The  pollutants directly affect the physical characteristics of water , such as color, odor and flavor, for example. Its intake is not recommended.

Contaminated water

Although they are commonly confused, polluted water is different from contaminated water. In the case of contamination, there are substances and organisms capable of causing disease to humans. Sewage and chemical wastes are the most common forms of contamination.

Mineral water

Very healthy, mineral water is enriched with mineral salts and, therefore, brings a series of health benefits. It can come from natural sources or it can be artificially captured. It is a type of drinking water.

Deionized water

It is water that undergoes an ion removal process, with the objective of being used in the pharmaceutical, food, electronics and also in research laboratories. For this removal, ion exchange resins are used – small spherical particles.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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