Dragon Age 4: myths and legends about the Terrifying Wolf

Dragon Age 4 has been on everyone’s lips for some time now: more precisely since the distant 2018 when the Game Awards was shown a teaser trailer of what could have happened on this generation of consoles . However, this has not happened. Why? Well, those who have followed Bioware’s events will know that the disaster with Anthem has not benefited the company and, consequently, as much as the writer has loved the title and its game philosophy, all the projects that the development team had have at least been put on standby by the manufacturer, aka Electronic Arts.

We now know that part of the development team is active on Anthem for a Phoenix-style rebirth and this has made many professionals prick their ears because if on the one hand we have part of the team involved in raising the fate of a title defined by many as dead and buried, on the other we may have a small workforce that carries on the Dragon Age 4 project, or as it was announced, The Dread Wolf rises. Let’s start with the trailer and do some clarity.


Traces of the Idol have been lost but not of the Red Lyrium which has continued to corrupt and put the wheels in the next chapter of the saga, Dragon Age: Inquisition, in which we have discovered that although the Red Lyrium corrupts who it is endowed with magical powers , he also seems to have tremendous power within himself which if aimed at the forces of good could bring a balance between the two opposites. Returning to the image of the teaser, on the left is this elf; well, even the writer has immediately thought it was Solas (also thanks to the rumor that makes the statement at the end of the video itself), the elf who disappeared at the end of the main story of Dragon Age: Inquisition … but apparently, the reality of the facts could be quite different.In fact, with the expression Dread Wolf (Terrifying Wolf or Terror Wolf) we refer to the elven god Fen’Harel of whom there are several statues and representations within the various games of the brand; aesthetically the elven god is very similar to Solas, both are bald, both carry a stick and the character characteristic of Fen’Harel is very similar to that of a Nordic god that many of you know, Loki. Fen’Harel is the god of Betrayal and Deception in elven mythology and on the ending of the DLC Trespasser present in the Inquisition, we discover that the aforementioned god has a strong bond with Solas.

he fresco that appears on the video then depicts this terrifying wolf with three eyes: here there are not many doubts, probably that wolf is the esoteric form of the god Fen’Harel. By putting all this information together we can come to two conclusions; the first is that Solas is none other than the good part of the elven god of betrayal , made flesh and blood, ready to face his evil part, namely the Wolf. The second option is that Solas is an illegitimate child of the god of betrayal and that he does not want to allow his father to get his hands on the idol of Red Lyrium, avoiding an unprecedented catastrophe. We just have to wait for the release of an official announcement of Dragon Age 4, which will arrive realistically shortly, although it remains to be understood on which generation of consoles we will see everything, or if the game will be cross-gen or if it will arrive exclusively on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and PC.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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