In this article, we will find out All Dota 2 Hotkeys;These keys will allow you to play safe,quick and win dota 2 all chapters.It will increases your chances of winning and action.
All Dota 2 Hotkeys;Complete List.
- F1-F5: Select and center camera on hero units or player-controlled units
- 1-9: Select control groups (can be customized)
- Tab: Cycle between controlled units
- Spacebar: Center camera on your hero
- Y: Open/close chat
- Enter: Open chat
- Esc: Close current menu or cancel current action
- F10: Toggle the scoreboard
- F11: Toggle the Net Worth panel
- F12: Take a screenshot
Movement and Actions:
- Right-click: Move or attack
- A + left-click: Attack-move
- S: Stop
- H: Hold position
- D + left-click: Drop item from stash
- G + left-click: Give item to a teammate
- B: Open shop
- N: Purchase quickbuy items
- U: Use healing salve or tango
- T: Activate Town Portal Scroll
- Q, W, E, R, and D: Hero abilities (can be customized)
- F: Activate hero’s ultimate ability
- Alt + Q/W/E/R/D/F: Level up corresponding ability
- Alt + S: Skill attributes (can be customized)
- Alt + T: Skill talent (can be customized)
- Alt + D: Skill attributes and talent (can be customized)
- Alt + F: Upgrade ultimate ability (can be customized)
- 1-6: Inventory slots (can be customized)
- Alt + 1-6: Open/Close shop panel for respective slot
- Z, X, C, V, B, and N: Quickcast for respective inventory slots (can be customized)
- Alt + Z, X, C, V, B, and N: Self-cast for respective inventory slots (can be customized)
- Shift + Enter: Open chat with all players
- /: Open team chat
- Shift + /: Open all chat
- Ctrl + Alt + Left-click: Ping on minimap
These are the default hotkeys, but keep in mind that you can customize them in the game settings according to your preference.