Why doesn’t my dog ​​come when I call him?

One of the most important exercises in basic obedience is to teach the dog to “go to the call” , essential for its safety, for good communication and for coexistence. Of course, it is essential to practice it beforehand if we want our dog to do it whenever we ask it to.

Do you want to know why your dog ignores you? In this article from Expert Animal we are going to explain some causes that explain ” why my dog ​​does not come when I call him ” and we will teach you 7 very simple tips to make your dog come whenever you ask for it. You can not lose this!

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  1. Why does my dog ​​ignore me when I call him?
  2. Why doesn’t my dog ​​obey me on the street?
  3. 7 tricks to get your dog to come when you call him

Why does my dog ​​ignore me when I call him?

Some handlers wonder why their dogs ignore them or directly look at them when they call them. To answer that question, we suggest you imagine the following situation … If you were called “Magdalena” and someone wanted to greet you on the street using the name “Julia” or “María, you probably wouldn’t even turn around, right? Not because you didn’t want to say hello to that person, but because you just don’t recognize those names as yours.

The same is true of our dogs. It may seem strange, but many dogs do not come when their guardians call them because they do not associate their name (prior to ” come “) properly. Like anyone, dogs need to learn to recognize their names so that they can pay attention when someone speaks to them.

On the other hand, if you use your dog’s name when scolding him for some inappropriate behavior, the dog may associate this term with a punishment or with your anger. If the dog has a negative experience with his own name , he is unlikely to come voluntarily when he hears your call. Therefore, it is crucial not to use the dog’s own name when indicating bad behavior.

Why doesn’t my dog ​​obey me on the street?

It can happen that your dog does obey you at home but not on the street, why does it happen? There are many causes that can explain this behavior, for example poor or no socialization . In this case the dog has not learned to relate to the stimuli and individuals that are part of the environment, such as people, dogs, the street, squares, the field, etc. So, the dog does not obey when he sees other dogs , people or when he visits certain places, such as the park. Given the lack of socialization in the dog , fear or reactivity to certain stimuli is also often observed.

Especially nervous and hyperactive dogs can also stop responding to the call on the street, as well as those that are in an overexcited state . In this state, it is very difficult for the dog to concentrate on calls or other orders from its handlers, since it will only respond to its instinct. In these cases it is important to ask ourselves if our dog suffers from stress or anxiety problems .

Although it should not happen if the dog has the order to come here well worked out, the truth is that some dogs are distracted when they visit new environments , due to the multitude of stimuli they perceive. This cause represents a risk to your safety, so it is important to take it into account and habituate it to different environments on a regular basis, visiting parks, squares and all kinds of new places.

Finally, we come to the most important point, discovering if our dog has learned the order well. Perhaps you think that you have worked hard enough, after some training sessions, but if it is not responding adequately , most likely it is not. Discover in Animal Expert how to teach the dog to answer the call . We also leave you a video!

7 tricks to get your dog to come when you call him

If your dog does not come when you call, the first thing you will need is time, patience, and using positive reinforcement . Dogs are highly intelligent animals that can be easily learned when they have the right stimuli to develop their cognitive skills.

Here are 7 key tips to get your dog to come when you call:

1. Choose the ideal name for your dog

The moment of choosing the name of our dog should not be interpreted as a simple initial detail of the adoption. Choosing the name is a fundamental aspect of your upbringing and will have a great impact on your education. You will use the name of your furry to get his attention before indicating any order. Therefore, both the furry and the tutor must feel identified with the chosen name, since it will be part of the bond that they will form throughout their shared life.

Obviously, there is no manual of rules when choosing the name of our best friends. However, it is important to know some recommendations that will be useful in your day to day. For example: if you name it with words that we use regularly, such as “tomorrow” or “day”, this can confuse it and make it difficult to identify. At Animal Expert, we have many options to help you choose an original name for your best friend .

On the other hand, if you choose a very long or difficult to pronounce name, you will end up using a nickname to summon your furry. For this reason, many of us also prepare some nice and short name ideas for your furry.

2. Choose a word to call him and always use the same

Before you start teaching a new command to your dog, you will need to choose a single word to designate it. Always remember to prefer a short term , which facilitates the understanding of your best friend, since he must connect this word with your request to execute it successfully.

To call your dog, you can use terms like “here”, “come” or “here”, for example. And remember to always use the same word when teaching to recognize the call.

3. Teach your dog to come here with prizes

If you want your dog to come when you call him, you will have to work so that he assimilates the word you choose as a call (“here” “come” or “here”) with the action of being present next to or ahead of you (that is, come). The ideal is to carry out this process when your furry is still a puppy, after starting his education.

In order for your dog to understand this new order, the ideal is to offer him a reward every time he successfully answers your call. The positive reinforcement is the best way to teach your best friend, prevent misconduct and stimulate their learning. Prizes should not necessarily be goodies; You can also use caresses, toys or words . The important thing is to give your furry a reward for each task performed successfully, such as coming towards you when you use the call word.

On the contrary, physical and emotional violence is counterproductive and dangerous . In a negative or humiliating situation, your best friend will not be able to develop his cognitive abilities or understand what positive behaviors you expect from him. But if you reward your good behaviors and acknowledge their efforts on a daily basis, you will be stimulating their mind and improving the bond between you. And these are essential aspects for learning your furry.

4. Don’t use the call to scold him

Of course, we reaffirm that scolding your dog is not a recommended method to carry out its education. Scolding is a high-stress situation that causes very negative feelings in dogs, such as fear or anxiety . If you use the call to express your anger and point out this inappropriate attitude, your dog will be able to associate these words with these negative feelings. And this will make it difficult for you to obey and come to hear the call.

If we want to report inappropriate behavior, use a simple ” No “, in a balanced and firm tone of voice. Furthermore, your body language should also express what your words say. When you say a firm and direct “No”, your attitude should also be to ignore it momentarily , with a calm but indifferent posture. Without expressing anger or increasing the stress level of this context.

In this way, your best friend will understand that his behavior has not been well received, since it has not generated your approval or attracted your attention.

5. Improve the bond with your dog

The bond that you maintain with your dog is a key aspect for its education. Dogs obey their handlers with respect and affection, and not out of fear or submission . When your best friend feels trust in you and perceives that his love is paid, this very special bond provides him with the optimal environment and conditions to develop his cognitive, social and emotional skills.

Therefore, take your time to create quality moments with your best friend in your spare time. During the week, try to reserve at least 45 minutes for your dog; physical activity and mental recreation will come in handy for both of you. And if you like to exercise, you can start some sport with your dog, such as canicross . In addition, you can have fun with your furry also inside the home, proposing intelligence games or teaching him some basic orders of obedience.

6. Teach him how to walk properly with you

While dogs naturally learn how to walk and move, it is essential that you teach them how to behave positively during their walks in environments outside your home. For this, in addition to properly socializing it , it will be essential to teach your dog to walk properly with you, to avoid pulling the leash and getting hurt, not wanting to walk or bark excessively at other dogs.

7. Seek the help of a professional

If you notice that your dog continues to ignore you or shows behavioral problems during his walks or at home, we recommend seeking the help of an expert in ethology or a dog educator . These professionals will be able to help you establish specific guidelines for the education of your best friend, according to their own needs and individual characteristics.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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