Discover important initiatives for work safety

Few people know but accidents at work  are growing every year . According to data presented by Social Security , the number of sick leave due to work accidents was 1.8 million between 2014 and 2018.

For this reason, it is very important to reinforce care and preventive measures in the work environment , so that activities are carried out in the best way and in complete safety.

Many people are not concerned with the necessary safety actions and also do not use the equipment considered essential in activities that present some risk. So we need to talk more about this topic.

Avoiding problems with the aid of the fire extinguisher

Currently, we are subject to several issues that may involve accidents and various types of risks, all within the work environment. Therefore, every type of care is very important. Having a fire extinguisher in the company is essential .

An important point is always to choose suppliers of fire extinguishers that, during the exchange and recharge period, supply extinguishers in stock, so that safety is maintained . You never know when any type of accident might occur.

When this equipment is lacking, the problems can become serious if an accident occurs. Depending on the size of the company, it is necessary to have several fire extinguishers scattered throughout the environment.

And when purchasing, also remember to pay attention to the installation locations of the fire extinguishers, in addition to understanding the difference of each type of fire extinguisher and using the correct one for each type of project.


Fire accidents

Should any type of fire occur, it is necessary to act with caution and attention when dealing with any type of fire. The first step is to safely find out what is on fire and what the extent of the problem is.

If the company has brigade members, they will guide everyone, in addition to using the fire extinguisher in the right way, according to the proportion. But calm is essential at all times.

If the location has alarms, it is very important to activate them . It may be that other people in other environments, a little further from the fire place, may not know what is going on. The alarm has the role of passing the alert.

When leaving the place, remember to close doors and windows, turn off the electricity and, if the environment that is on fire is in a building, do not under any circumstances use the elevators, as the risks are very great. 

Installation care

When changing an existing door in the company, you need a lot of attention and care so that the installation occurs correctly and does not cause problems in the company.

The iron door that is common in industries, for example, is usually bigger and heavier than the more classic ones we see in homes.

In order not to err in the installation, the measurement of the spans is essential. Other than that, don’t forget any tools to make the door really fixed and firm. Counting on specialized professionals is also an added security and guarantee of a job well done.

Protection screen for more guarantee

Also known as a safety net , the essential function is to prevent accidents involving falls, for example.

In construction of large buildings, stadiums, among other environments, several workers end up getting involved in accidents due to the lack of protection. To avoid this type of problem, it is recommended to use platforms and also a protection screen .

There are some regulatory standards that are mandatory in civil construction and it is essential that they are followed, so that in this way, safety at work can be maintained.

Relying on correct information

In this article we show you some work safety initiatives , but it is important to always be informed about the safety rules at work, so that activities can take place in peace, comfort and safety. Great for those who employ and great for those who work.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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