Differences And Methods In Psychodiagnostic And Psychological Assessment

In psychology, we will cover quite a lot and also discuss various dynamic fields of science and learning well. one of them is things related to psychodiagnostics. One of the terms in psychology was first used by an expert named Herman Roschach in a book he published in 1921. In his book he discussed a lot about psychology. Then an experiment was carried out with 10 cards in which there was a picture in black and colored ink.

This card is used and given to someone who has mental illness, and tells them to see what is on this card. The experiments that have been carried out have produced different answers. in psychodiagnostic in the social field , where in their answer it has been determined by the presence of colors, and also various combinations of other things which constitute a group of the best answers. in the group also used various sparks and have a broad meaning in psychodiagnostic science. Among the aspects that have been described, psychology also contains two meanings, including:

  • Theoretical aspects, this one aspect is the study of human beings and also all kinds of aspects of life in them. For the given orientation is also a very practical life. With this one aspect, it can better understand and also provide a framework of understanding that can already be explained well in it.
  • Practical aspects, psychodiagnostic is a method in which there is a psychological diagnosis, in which this aspect experiences many difficulties with learning difficulties. Usually done for the recruitment of prospective employees and also for employee transfers and promotions.

This psychodiagnostic actually consists of two combinations of words, namely psychology and diagnostics, which for psychology itself is a science that studies human behavior. as well as the application of psychodiagnostics in the field of education , meanwhile for self-diagnosis is a way to find certain information. So that when combined, psychodiagnostics are a method commonly used to get a diagnosis from psychology, so that we can treat someone appropriately and well.

Psychodiagnostics are commonly applied in several clinical fields, including educational, social and organizational psychology methods. It also has an important influence in understanding the important influences in psychology so that we can better treat things that are in accordance with their desires and also their personality. There are various psychodiagnostic applications that can be done in the social field, one of which is by studying social problems and also observing and conducting interviews. Some of the psychodiagnostic methods carried out include:

Psychological Assessment

In psychology, psychological assessment is an information and analysis in which dealing with clients and individuals is carried out in order to gain an understanding of a client. In this case also related to the purpose of assessment in clinical psychology , a consideration is made to be able to get a decision in which it relates to the individual. In this psychological assessment has the following objectives:

  • Psychological assessment that can identify target behavior, where the behavior becomes a target.
    • Identify the causes that come with the emergence of a certain behavior.
    • In taking measurements, measurements are made of the progress of the program or a treatment.
    • In determining an intervention method that can be done to carry out development in a particular program.
    • Train to be able to think in solving problems.
    • Train in expressing what things are thinking and what things are felt by them.
    • Doing good enough cooperation to be able to solve the problems at hand.
    • Assess how to implement a decision.

Psychological assessment actually comes from a word to assess / assessment, which if interpreted as an assessment. The nature and also the assessment becomes a comprehensive thing which means working in a whole way according to the ability. In this assesmanet, it contains information, data, and facts where in order to find out the symptoms and intensity, there are also some obstacles that usually occur and also become a child’s weakness and strength. Because in the assessment there is also a need for comparative information.

Methods that are usually carried out in an assessment

  1. Interview

The interview is one of the assessment methods that is carried out and is also commonly used to get the right information. The existence of this communication also takes place in the form of question and answer and face-to-face relationships are also carried out. Using this technique is also the best technique that can be done, because by looking at the movements and also the expressions made by the respondent, it can be seen directly in order to get a verbal word.

  1. Questionnaire

We can interpret this questionnaire as a questionnaire which can be done with a written statement, usually submitted in writing. The existence of these questions is also carried out with a purpose, including wanting to get a goal from the questionnaire.

  1. Observation

For the next one is observation or an experience, where in this one method it can also be done by recording an information which they witnessed with an observation. Either directly or indirectly. So that for this one there is also a visible behavior. From what has been said with what has been seen. The existence of this technique is also carried out with a technique that is indeed interesting.

  1. Sociometry

Sociometry is the next method or method that will be developed. For sociometry this one comes from the Latin socius. So it can be concluded in a simple way about the measurement of social groups which includes studying an individual’s social relationship in the group realm or measuring the relationship between humans.

Well, the following is a review of the review of psychodiagnostic differences and psychological assessment, in this article it also discusses what methods are usually used and the following explanations, as well as behaviors in psychological assessment that must be understood in order to understand more deeply about psychodiagnostic differences. with psychological assessment. In the psychodiagnostic process there are also several goals that we can take, including when implementing the principles and processes we can understand and know a lot about the developmental aspects, intellectual personality and also social psychology in it. In the principle that is carried out, it can be seen that there are basic objectives in it, so that the placement of educational psychology in doing the job can be done well.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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