Designer makes $ 100,000 in 6 days by selling iPhone icons

Not everyone is earning $ 100,000 in a week, but when you can do it by designing some icons for the iPhone, then the result seems truly incredible: yet Traf, a designer who told this story on his website, did. It begins like this: almost for fun, he tweeted a set of icons for iOS 14 that totally changes the way you see and experience the iPhone home screen.

The message received a lot of attention in a very short time, so he thought of turning it into a product to sell to the public. Bingo. In just six days it surpassed three thousand sales (3,626, to be precise), cashing in a total of 101,528 dollars, which at the current exchange rate are more than 86,500 euros.

A nice sum that seems almost absurd if, after having seen the set in question, you imagine the scene: you sit in front of the computer, open Illustrator, activate the “minimalism” mode of the brain and jot down some sketches. You pack it, put it up for sale, and go back to camp on the sofa.
In reality this world doesn’t work like that, and the designer who created a complete set of alternative icons for the iPhone tells it well in a post on his website. Behind there are sleepless nights spent in front of the computer screen.

Seven years of work, sacrifices, failed attempts and failures that would have extinguished the hopes of many people. A very interesting article with several useful ideas for those who are in the sector and want to try. After all, the set sells for 28 dollars , a figure within the reach of all budgets, and perhaps this also contributed to the success of the sales.

However, everything was born in 2013, when at the time the iPhone jailbreak was very popular also because, among many others, it allowed you to customize the app icons: a change that, officially, can only be done a few weeks ago. thanks to iOS 14: here you will find everything you need to know about the latest iPhone operating system .

In fact, Traf already sold icon packs here to customize the iPhone apps at a price of 17 dollars, but being the jailbreak something that invalidated the guarantee, which could block the device irreversibly and cause you to lose all data, in short, it was something not only within the reach of a few skilled users but also very dangerous, clearly it made much less money.

Now that there is iOS 14, where you can add widgets to the home screen and change the icons of individual applications by uploading external images, there is a new market on which designers can try to make their fortune. By the way, to change the app icons – perhaps because you decide to buy the Traf package – you have to:

Open the Commands app, click on the “+” button at the top right, then the Add action button. Select the Scripting item in the box above, then click on the Open app item, select the Choose option then choose the app you want to modify from the list. Give this shortcut a name, then click the Finish button. Now click on the three dots (…) in the box of the new shortcut just created, click again on the same button inside the tab and click on the “Add to Home” button. At this point click on the icon visible at the bottom, and then on the item “Choose the photo”, then select the desired image from the camera roll, click on the “Add” button and that’s it.

Everything we know about the new iPhone 12 is summarized in this in- depth analysis from macitynet . All the articles dedicated to iPhone ,  iPad , Mac and the Apple smartwatch  are available at the respective links. Everything you need to know about iOS 14 ,  iPadOS 14 ,  macOS Big Sur  and  Apple Watch 7 is summarized in macitynet’s insights at their respective links.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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