Definition of Social Institutions

The definition of social institutions that will be discussed here begins with the exposures of the experts, then we try to capture what are the similarities and differences between the opinions expressed.

Often times we hear the notion of social institutions as an institutionalized system of norms. The definition clearly identifies the link between institutions and norms.

What about the experts?

Definition of social institutions

Sociology figure Talcott Parsons said that social institutions are complex social roles that have been institutionalized into social systems. To institutionalize into the social system means to enter from the subjective to the objective arena.

Soerjono Soekanto once summarized several definitions of social institutions put forward by experts. We present the short version here. Among the several experts quoted by his opinion were: Robert Melver, CH Page, Leopold von Wiese, Becker, and WG Sumner.

Melver and Page describe social institutions as procedures or procedures created by humans to regulate human relations in a community group.

Von Wiese and Becker argue that social institutions are a process of relationships between humans and between groups that are patterned according to the interests and interests of individuals or groups.

Sumner argues that social institutions are the actions, ideals, attitudes and cultural tools that exist to create and maintain social order and integration and meet the needs of society.

Indonesian anthropological figure Koentjoroningrat defines social institutions as systems of behavior and human relations that are centered on activities to meet the complex needs of human life.

Indonesian sociological figures Selo Soemardjan and Soelaeman Soemardi stated that social institutions are a set of behaviors recognized by community members as a means of regulating social relations.

Soerjono Soekanto describes the notion of social institutions as a set of norms of actions to meet basic human needs in social life.

Social Institutions: Definition and Examples

From the explanation of some of the definitions of social institutions above, we can catch the variations of the proposed definitions.

To summarize the whole definition, of course, requires a difficult effort. This is because there is no consensus among experts on definitions. But if we detect the resemblance, it is clearly caught there.

Social institutions or social institutions or social institutions are concerned with regulating human relations in society.

Human relations are created in order to fulfill the needs of life as humans. We see the role of humans as social beings here. Not only do we need human relationships, we also need some kind of pattern and order of life.

At least, that implies why social institutions exist.

The difference that arises from the definitions described above is the component of origin of social institutions.

Talcot Parsons calls social roles. Koentjoroningrat calls code of conduct. Soerjono Soekanto mentioned a set of norms. Others mention everything, namely deeds, ideals and attitudes. There was a clear difference between the three.

But I want to say that if you are looking for the most complete definition of social institution, the suggestions of some experts above are actually very complementary.

Everything can complement each other because they are related. Social roles are related to norms, and also related to behavior (uses). Starting from the definition from a set of institutionalized norm systems can also be done because the norm system itself includes behavior and attitudes.

Parsons opinion about the change from something subjective to objective really helps us understand it. What we perceive as good and bad at first can be very subjective. Depends on the individual.

However, after being institutionalized, it becomes objective. What is good and bad is institutionalized.

For example, living in the same house with a partner without marriage or cohabitation, if asked privately to individuals in various countries the value can be different. But try to bring the question to a socio-religious institution such as MUI, then the answer is clear.


by Abdullah Sam
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