10 Petty cash expenses list

Petty cash expenses list.Petty cash ( Petty Cash ) are some of the fund established primarily to expenses that are routine and relatively small in number. Petty cash is used to finance management expenses which are relatively small, for example, such as entertainment funds for clients and co-leaders and consumption funds for meeting purposes.

A petty cash fund is a small amount of cash that is kept on hand to cover small expenses that may arise in day-to-day operations. Petty cash expenses are those that are paid for using this fund.

Here is a list of some common petty cash expenses:

  1. Office supplies such as pens, paper clips, and notepads
  2. Postage stamps and envelopes
  3. Refreshments for meetings or office events
  4. Small repairs or maintenance for office equipment or furniture
  5. Local travel expenses such as taxi fares or parking fees
  6. Office snacks or coffee
  7. Cleaning supplies or services
  8. Gifts or cards for colleagues or clients
  9. Minor office expenses like printing, photocopying, and faxing
  10. Donation to a local charity or cause

It is important to keep detailed records of all petty cash expenses to ensure proper accountability and control over the fund.



by Abdullah Sam
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