Cultivating nutrients on the roof and por

Pomegranate is one of the herbs known as Indian spinach in Bangladesh . Pomegranate leaves, stems are very popular in our country as vegetables. There is a proverb in Bengal, ” Pooh in herbs and cotton in fish”. From this, it is understood that pomegranate is preferred to the Bengalis. Basella rubra Basellaceae belong usnamandaliyagacha perennial. Its scientific name is   Basella alba . It is cultivated everywhere in Bangladesh, West Bengal, Assam and Tripura.


In Bengali cuisine, hot pudding with powdered herbs and shrimp spice and one pint of lemon is almost nectarine. In our country, pomegranate is cooked and cooked in many ways. Besides, it is used in cooking various fish. Whish-pooi and shrimp-pui are the favorite curry of many. Different noodles or spaghetti are used in cooking or salads. In Africa, pomegranate is practiced in North Vietnam.  Read about couch vegetables here.


On the coast of Malabar there is a tradition of eating Pui vegetables to thicken the soup.


Pooisha has lots of vitamins B, C and C. There is also calcium and iron. 1 gram of powdered sugar –

  • Sugar = 1.2 gm
  • Minerals = 1.5 g
  • Vitamin C = 1 ml grams
  • Vitamin B = 20 ml grams
  • Calcium = 1 ml gram
  • Iron = 1 ml gram

Nutritional quality

This vitamin-rich herb helps to prevent many diseases on the one hand and also contributes to the beauty of the skin on the other.

  • Pumice has a lot of fiber that helps relieve constipation. It helps to eliminate various problems including indigestion, gas, acidity
  • Keeping good eyesight: – Right now there is a problem in the eye and it is helpful to grow. Pooisha has lots of vitamin A which helps to keep the eyesight good.
  • It contains Vitamin C which removes pathogens from the skin, aids in physical growth, and helps in growth, as well as keeping hair strong.
  • Helps prevent stomach and colon cancer.
  • Because of the high nutrient quality of the digestive tract, it does much to prevent disease. And those who eat regular vegetables, especially herbaceous vegetables, such as cinnamon or sweet potato, are less likely to have piles, fistulas and hemorrhoids.
  • For those who suffer from acne problems, it is worth the effort
  • Vegetables help to keep the brain healthy.

Opportune time

The saplings can be planted at any time of the year. However, February to May is the best time to invest. At this time, investing in the investment at the right time will produce good yield. Read about redshirt here.


There are usually two types of varieties. Pomegranates are two types of red and green. The name of the green tree is Basella albumin and the red tree is Ruberlin. There is also some difference in their taste.

Plastic bottle farming system

  • First, the five-liter bottle should be sliced ​​as needed.
  • The bottom of the bottle should be peeled for regular water drainage.
  • Any soil is good for puke leaf, but it is better to use sandy loam soil to prepare the soil. Mix TSP fertilizers and cow dung with soil.
  • Before sowing the seeds of powdered vegetables should be soaked in aspirin water for 24 hours.
  • You can line up or sprinkle the seeds of the leafy vegetables However, caring is easier when you line up
  • Once the seeds are sown, the seeds should be lightly covered with soil.
  • Now put the tub in the proper place and sprinkle it lightly the next afternoon.
  • Seedlings can be seen only after 5 to 20 days after sowing


  • After a few days of sowing, extra saplings need to be removed and transplanted so that the saplings will get the right amount of nutrients which will accelerate the growth of fodder.
  • Lightly sprinkle water so that the saplings do not fall off
  • Occasionally sprinkling ash is no fear of harm Often the nirani or spade should be loosened and the weeds cleaned.
  • Once the soil is dry, a small amount of water should be provided.
  • If you want to get higher yields then you will have to pay a bribe. If the seedlings are equal to 5 feet high, the aga has to be cut. The tree is shrubbed in it.

Disease suppression

  • Damage to the leaf (seed carried) disease

The disease causes leaf spots on the leaf. Stains fall on the leaves and the leaves become inflamed. The quality and market value of the vegetables are reduced. For this, the mucosal must be mixed with 3 wp, 2 mL / 1 l of water and spray.

  • Diseases of the root of the tendon

The disease causes the root of the pods to rot and the tree may die. For this, the mucosal must be mixed with 3 wp, 2 mL / 1 l of water and spray.


Pomegranate stalks should be cut occasionally. Vegetables are also eaten in it, and new stems emerge from the tree. Once the seedlings can be harvested 3 to 5 times.


by Abdullah Sam
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