Coronavirus, as you travel by car in Phase 2

How many people can travel in each car? Do masks and gloves have to
be worn? Here’s how you drive (and how you do the passenger) in Phase 2
Covid-19 .

The new cars of the DPCM April 26, 2020 Covid 19

From 4 May 2020 we have moved on to the so-called (and announced) Phase 2 : in a nutshell, the virus is not yet eradicated, but we are ready to try to restart.

In fact, with Phase 2 many commercial activities reopen, including dealerships, mechanics, tire dealers and body shops: the Ateco 45 code with all the workers who are part of it, can therefore restart.

Of course, all of these new possibilities will almost certainly lead you to travel. It is true that many people have never stopped doing it, but many others had been stopped for 2 months: to get back to driving, it is therefore good to clarify what you can (and cannot) do in the car in Phase 2.

Mask, gloves and self-certification in the car

In these first days of Phase 2 there are many questions that derive from the interpretative space left by the latest rules of the DCPM of 26 April 2020. What is certain is that the motivations that push you to take the car increase, among the reopening of many work, commercial activities and visits to relatives in your own region.

As in Phase 1 , however, self-certification is still required. We remind you that it is not mandatory to print it or have it in the car with you, because
the police will provide it directly to you, if you do not have it.

Remember that for travel for work reasons, self-certification is not necessary: ​​in fact, you just need to show adequate documentation provided by the employer (badges, pay slip or similar).

All these movements can be done wearing a mask, and
sometimes gloves: but in the car ? If you are alone you do not need anything, while if you are 2 or more people to travel in the same car, yes, but only if you are not living together. In the latter case, if you travel with passengers who do not live with you, the mask is mandatory, but you must also travel as far apart as possible.

Phase 2: passengers in cars, fines and curiosities

How many passengers can you carry ? If you are traveling with 1 or 2
passengers, the spacing is also mandatory by car : in practice, the second and third passengers have to get in the back, sitting on the sides.
Obviously, if you are traveling with 4 or 5 people, because you are carrying minors or non self-sufficient people (for example two parents and 3 children), the spacing is practically impossible, so green light to the windows down and to wear all masks.

The latest decree does not impose obligations for private car transport.

Finally, do not forget that, in addition to self-certification and the use of
appropriate PPE , traveling without the proven reasons provided for by the law is subject to a fine from 533 to 4,000 euros (no seizure or criminal complaint).

Basically, it remains essential to use common sense, in order to prevent the
contagion curve from rising again and to be able to enter Phase 3 (zero contagions).

Let’s close with a curiosity about motorcycles: the use of any type of motorcycle has never been prohibited, only that they were used to move for mandatory reasons (work, health and necessity). The novelty is that from 4 May 2020 you can also ride a motorbike as long as they live together. And the mask? With a full-face helmet you don’t need it, with the jet yes.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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