“Copy & Paste” and other useful commands you need to know

Without a doubt, Larry Tesler , creator of one of the most famous commands: “ Copy Paste ” (copy and paste), is considered by many students a kind of “hero without a cape”. And, who has not ever resorted to the famous “copy paste” to speed up activities on the computer?

However, there are other commands that, for those who tend to write a lot on the computer, are important to learn to improve and optimize our tasks through the keyboard .

But before…

The first thing to keep in mind is that the PC keyboard has two main functions called modes:

  • Text input mode
  • Command mode

In the latter, through shortcuts made up of a set of keys, it allows you to indicate to some software or the operating system an order to perform a certain task.

In general terms,  the use of keyboard shortcuts allows us to gain efficiency,  increase our productivity, perform more simultaneous tasks, reduce stress, help us stay focused and carry out work more quickly, among other advantages. As the famous ” copy paste ” command was devised .

Essential Commands for PC

Here is the following list of essential PC keyboard shortcuts for any computer user.

    1. CTRL + C:Shortcut used to copy a selected text or file.
    2. CTRL + V:Key combination used to paste text or file that have previously copied with the shortcut  CTRL + C .
    3. CTRL + X:With this combination of keys we can copy a text and delete it automatically. The text will be saved on the clipboard for us to paste
    4. CTRL + Z:Keyboard shortcut to  undo the action we have previously performed.
    5. CTRL + Y:This combination allows us  to redo what we have undone with CTRL + Z.
    6. CTRL + F:This combination allows us to  search  within most programs, including the web browser.
    7. ALT + TAB:As mentioned above, this shortcut allows us to  switch between windows and open programs in Windows.
    8. ALT + SHIFT + TAB:This three-key shortcut gives us the ability to move between open windows and programs to choose which one we want to maximize.
    9. CTRL + Backspace:This shortcut has the function of  eliminating an entire word within a text.
    10. CTRL + Left or Right Arrow:By combining the CTRL key with the left or right arrows,  we can move the cursor through the words in a text completely, that is, to advance in a text word by word and not letter by letter.
    11. CTRL + S:This key combination has the save function,  that is, to save what we are doing. It is ideal to use in different programs, since if for example we are writing a text, we can save it as we go along.
    12. CTRL + Home:This key combination allows us to  move the cursor to the beginning of a document.
    13. CTRL + End:With this shortcut we can  move the course to the end of a document.
    14. CTRL + P:This shortcut gives us the possibility to open a print preview.
    15. Page Up, Page Down, space bar:With the  Page Up key  we can  move  up  a document,  while with the Page  Down key we can move towards the end of it .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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