The most common rosebushes pests Planet Garden tells you how to fight them!

One of the most beautiful plants in your garden is the rose bush. It does not matter if they are red, pink, white or yellow, or where you place them, because it is so beautiful that it will give life to your home. Despite the good attention, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money so that your rose bush remains in good condition and free of invaders. PlanetaGarden tells you what are the most common rosebushes pests and how to fight them .

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8 pests of the rose bushes you should know

  • Aphid: It is one of the most common insects that attack roses and many other plants, damaging the tender buds and causing leaf curl. Another symptom is molasses, blackish fungus and the presence of ants.
  • Red spider or red mite: it can be distinguished by checking the back of the rose leaves; If grayish or yellowish yellow spots and fine spider webs appear, you will be in the presence of this pest.
  • Whitefly: it is one of the plagues of the rosales easier to fight, especially, when they are adults. They present with yellow spots, discolorations and wilts on the underside of the leaves. If you shake the foliage, you will see several white mosquitoes flutter. These excrete molasses as aphids do too.
  • Snails: they usually devour rose leaves and appear in abundance after a rain.
  • Cochineal: if you perceive the sticky leaves, then your rose bush has been attacked by mealybugs.
  • Caterpillars of the rose bush: this insect places its eggs in the leaves of the rose bush and when they hatch, the larvae eat the leaves to survive.
  • Green mosquito: they are small yellow or greenish insects that inhabit the underside of the leaves, nailing their beak and absorbing their sap.
  • White worm: it is one of the most dangerous roses plagues because they attack the roots until they are killed.

How to prevent pests?

There are some ways to avoid pests and diseases and PlanetGarden wants to share them with you. The first is to always water the roots of the plant, not the leaves, because if they are wet, they will probably end up developing mold and pests that will make your rose bush get sick and weak.

On the other hand, it is advisable to plant the rose bush in a place in the yard where you can receive at least five hours of sunshine every day, so that it grows much healthier and stronger, and is resistant to pests. Another fact and not less important, is that you do not plant your rose bush near a tree that has large roots.

In case you did not know, marigolds usually keep pests away so it is recommended to plant them near the rose bushes.

Home remedy against the plagues of the rose bush

In addition to this effective remedy to fight the pests of roses, you can prepare chamomile tea and let it cool before spraying the leaves, or prepare a mixture of crushed garlic and boiling water. Just don’t overdo it with garlic, since it can burn the leaves of the rose bush.

Remember that in addition to pests, powdery mildew is one of the most common diseases in rose bushes , which is presented as a whitish powder on the leaves. This fungus not only invades the rose bush quickly, but also causes the buds not to open, the leaves to fall and the plant to suffer irreversible damage. If the disease does not stop, the rose bush can die.


by Abdullah Sam
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