The most common disease in women, 8 warning signs

When you think about the diseases and health disorders that mainly affect women, breast cancer is probably the first thing that comes to mind.

Breast cancer is certainly very prevalent around the world, but it is not nearly as common as the number of women suffering from fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition.

Experts define fibromyalgia as “a long-term or chronic disorder that causes muscle pain and fatigue (feeling tired).”

Tired and in pain from your lifestyle where you are busy 24/7? If you are suffering from these symptoms and are not finding relief, check these signs because fibromyalgia may be:

Great fatigue

Are you tired all the time? Maybe you were attributing the fact that you worked hard. Maybe you’ve tried sleeping more and eating better, but nothing is helping you?

Excessive fatigue is a symptom of fibromyalgia, a chronic disorder that also causes pain and fatigue. In part, fatigue can come from your body’s efforts to fight fibromyalgia.

Common fibromyalgia-related pain can cause sleep disturbances, leaving you drowsy the next day.

Increased sensitivity

Sensitivity problems can be a symptom of fibromyalgia. The dress may look heavier than normal and almost unbearable for the person.

A collision behind the desk, which is usually just a small inconvenience, can lead to hours of pain.

Joint pain

Many people with fibromyalgia report widespread pain, especially in the joints for reasons they do not know.

One sign that your joint pain may be due to fibromyalgia is that pain relievers do nothing to relieve the pain you are experiencing.

Fibromyalgia is characterized by additional pain when we have a pressure exerted on a certain point of the body. These points are: the back of the head, between the shoulders, the upper part of the shoulders, the front sides of the neck, the upper part of the chest, the outer part of the elbows, the upper part of the knees.

Intestinal problems

Intestinal irritation syndrome is closely related to fibromyalgia.

Diarrhea, an urgent need to empty the bowels, and even the inability to empty the bowels due to muscle stiffness, are all possible signs of fibromyalgia.

While you may associate bowel problems with other issues, it is worth considering fibromyalgia as a possible cause.


Headaches so severe that they can cause nausea and vomiting can be caused by fibromyalgia.

If you have these types of headaches that weaken you, see your doctor to find out the cause.

“Fibromyalgia is a very serious form of energy crisis in humans, where the energy demand exceeds our body’s ability to move forward.”

When this happens, your brain is essentially “tricking” your body into appearing too sensitive to stimuli that would not normally be so painful.

Sensitivity to temperature

Fibromyalgia sufferers have an increased sensitivity to temperature.

When the temperature drops, those with fibromyalgia may feel it in a more dramatic way than others. If you are always colder than the people around you it can be a sign of fibromyalgia.

Increased menstrual cramps

Women make up 80% – 90% of fibromyalgia diagnoses. While extreme menstrual cramps can be caused by many other factors, they can also be a symptom of fibromyalgia.

Muscle stiffness can be a general problem, so when a woman with fibromyalgia is menstruating, her usual muscle aches may increase.

Problems with concentration

The inability to concentrate or feel like you have a kind of fog that suppresses your thoughts can be a common symptom of fibromyalgia known as “brain fog.”

Some of these can be caused by a lack of comfortable sleep, while other theories suggest that the fog itself is caused by fibromyalgia.

Meet with your doctor to discuss any recent memory loss or problems with concentration that are not caused by other factors.

It is advisable to keep stress and stressors under control. To achieve this goal, many of the habits of daily life must be changed. You can also try stress management techniques such as physical exercises combined with breathing, meditation, yoga, etc.

This disease has a basic characteristic of fatigue, so it is advisable to find the most effective way for the person suffering from this disease to get enough and restful sleep so that relaxation is as optimal as possible.

Regular physical exercise is recommended. At first these physical exercises will increase the level of your pain, but by exercising regularly you will be able to reduce the perception of pain. These exercises should be done in a controlled manner by physiotherapists.

by Abdullah Sam
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