Colon cancer symptoms in women

Colon cancer is also known as colorectal cancer and cancer of the large intestine. It arises from adenomatous polyps in the colon. These are cancerous excrescences in the form of the fungus in the colon, rectum and appendix that lead to cancer. In the initial stage, these growths are not dangerous to health, but over a prolonged period of time, they become cancerous tumors that can be detected only through the colonoscopy procedure. This type of cancer, in its first two stages, is invasive and confined within the walls of the colon, and can be cured with surgery. In the third stage, if left untreated, these growths spread to regional lymph nodes. At this stage, only 73% of cancer is curable through surgery and chemotherapy. Also, in its fourth stage, Colon cancer usually has no cure, chemotherapy can help prolong survival time. Radiation is also used for rectal colon cancer. In rare cases, in state IV, there have been reports of patients who have been cured with a combination of chemotherapy and surgery.

The types of colon cancer

The first signs and symptoms are too generic to call them as the symptoms of the diagnosis. The symptoms of colon cancer in women also depend on the position of the tumor in the intestine and if it has spread to any other part of the body that is also called as metastases. Signs and symptoms can be seen in other minor diseases as well. These are divided into local symptoms, constitutional symptoms and metastasis symptoms. Constitutional symptoms affect the entire body, while symptoms that are caused by metastases spread the tumor to other organs of the body. Let’s take a look at these symptoms.

Local : Local symptoms can be seen when the tumor is located near the anus. There will be a change in your bowel movement – diarrhea or constipation. You can also get a feeling of unfulfilled defecation and a decrease in the diameter of the stool due to the increased presence of mucus. An intestinal hemorrhage that involves a discharge of bright red blood in the stool may indicate colorectal cancer. Upper intestinal bleeding usually occurs from an ulcer, along with black stools that may indicate colorectal cancer and cancerous tumors that are found just at the beginning of the large intestine. It can also cause blood or air in the urine, vaginal discharge (in women) and uncontrolled bowel by perforation.

Constitutional : If the tumor has been caused by chronic hemorrhage, iron deficiency may be due to blood loss. Symptoms such as fatigue, palpitations and pale skin are signs of iron deficiency. It can also lead to weight loss, decreased appetite and fever of unknown origin.

Metastatic : The liver is one of the most common places where cancer can spread. This symptom is very difficult to notice. Tumor deposits in the liver can cause jaundice. If the bile duct is blocked by this tumor deposit, it can result in biliary obstructions.

Colon cancer symptoms in women

It is essential to identify the signals in the initial stages, in a way that can be treated and cured. Below are some of the symptoms, which are observed in individuals affected by cancer.

Unexplained weight loss Weight
loss is a common symptom of all cancers. A tumor in the intestine can obstruct the passage and create a feeling of fullness or a feeling of swelling. This can be caused due to loss of appetite, which in turn can lead to sudden weight loss.

Abdominal pain and discomfort
Pain in the abdominal region should not be ignored, as it is one of the indications. This can begin as a mild pain, followed by a slight prick or a burning sensation in the lower abdomen. As the pain increases in intensity, it can radiate to the region of the back and pelvis. This is usually accompanied by discomfort and painful spasms in the abdomen.

Abnormal bleeding
Bleeding in the absence of a menstrual cycle may be a clear sign of bowel cancer. Observing the considerable amount of blood in the urine or feces should not be ignored. Rectal bleeding can be seen as dark spots of blood in the stool. Bleeding can sometimes be followed by pain in the rectum.

Involuntary bowel movements
A woman suffering from colon cancer will notice a sudden or serious change in her bowel movements, either diarrhea or feeling constipated. A change in the consistency of your bowel movements, for example, stool in the form of a narrow tape can be seen. This can also be confused with minor symptoms, as in the case of rectal bleeding. The important thing here is the time during which you experience these symptoms. A woman experiences these symptoms for more than 2 weeks

Weakness and severe fatigue
Fatigue is the most common symptom of cancer. Again, not all cases of fatigue should be associated with cancer. She may experience severe fatigue due to the greater amount of calories burned by the tumor. A woman may also be anemic due to the discharge of blood from her stool and the vagina. Severe fatigue is also associated with anemia.

Problems in the digestive system
Other digestive problems, in addition to rectal bleeding and change in bowel movements are as nausea and vomiting. Unrelated abdominal distention occurs due to obstruction of the tumor in the large intestine. Cramps in the lower abdominal area and a very bad gas sensation are also some signs.

Experts say that, most cancers are caused by alcohol, smoking and obesity. It has also been found that, colon cancer usually develops in men and women over 50. Having said that, I would like to recommend a cancer screening to my middle-aged readers. For all those who are young, please say no to alcohol and smoking and exercise regularly to avoid obesity.

Therefore, with these symptoms and the signs of colon cancer in women, I am sure that my readers will take a precautionary measure, as soon as possible. If you notice any of these symptoms, I insist on visiting a doctor who is an expert in this subject. But if these symptoms are seen on a smaller scale, panic should be avoided and not associated with colon cancer. Stay fit, healthy!

by Abdullah Sam
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