Chess: An excellent sport for children with ADHD

Sports have been shown to significantly reduce symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity in children with ADHD. In large part, this beneficial effect is due to the fact that it helps channel excess energy, while stimulating self-control and improving attention span. However, when we think of sports that can be beneficial for children with ADHD, disciplines that require great physical effort almost always come to mind and we overlook other sports such as chess.

study published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health found that chess is an excellent exercise to lessen the severity of ADHD symptoms in children. To arrive at these results, the researchers analyzed the effect of a weekly chess session for almost three months in a group of 44 children with ADHD, aged between 6 and 17 years. After this period, the scientists found that almost half of the participants who played chess had experienced a 30% decrease in their most pressing symptoms such as impulsivity and hyperactivity.

Previous studies have shown that regular chess practice is also a good exercise to train memory and enhance creativity, while promoting decision-making and planning skills. It also helps to stimulate intelligence and develops self-control and anticipatory capacity, which has a positive impact on the behavioral development of children with ADHD.

The best thing is that it is not necessary to practice chess as a sport to take advantage of its benefits but it can be included as one more game at home to enjoy quality time with the family, while children with ADHD take advantage of its advantages.

Three other benefits of chess for kids with ADHD

  1. Improves cognitive skills and enhances academic performance

Chess practice is an excellent exercise to enhance the development of cognitive skills in children with ADHD. In fact, research published in The Spanish Journal of Psychology revealed that regular chess practice offers more benefits to children with ADHD than regular practice of other sports such as soccer or basketball.

And it is that practicing chess contributes to the development of problem solving in children, while stimulating their memory and improving academic performance. The explanation comes from the hand of a German study carried out at the University of Tübingen in which it was found that playing chess exercises both cerebral hemispheres, which improves the functioning of the brain and the connection between neurons.

  1. Promotes the development of social skills

Difficulties relating to others and creating long-term relationships is one of the problems that children with ADHD face every day. Fortunately, regular chess practice can fix it. This has been demonstrated by a study carried out in different schools in Tenerife in which 170 students between the ages of 6 and 16 participated.

Among other aspects, the study evaluated the effect of a weekly chess program on children’s behavior and social relationships. The results showed that the students who participated in the chess program experienced a remarkable improvement in their relationships with others, as well as in their social skills. In practice, they were more empathetic, communicative and receptive than before starting the chess training program.

  1. Helps focus on a task

study carried out at the International University of La Rioja revealed that regular chess practice contributes to improving children’s concentration, a great benefit for children with ADHD who have difficulty concentrating on tasks for long periods of time. The experts explain that this is due to the fact that during the game, children must pay attention to each play to analyze all possible options, which requires them to abstract from the distractions of the environment and focus their attention on the game. In the long run, this exercise helps them improve their concentration in all spheres of their life, which will have a positive impact, especially in the school area.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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