Chemistry, Safety and the Environment

Chemistry, Safety and the Environment.Chemical technology is playing an essential role in the fight against industrial and environmental pollution. The chemical industry is becoming the “doctor of pollution.”

In order to widely extend the application of ethical principles among industries and to provide tools to put them into practice, the chemical industry around the world develops a program internationally known as “Responsible Care” – which in Spain is called “Commitment of Progress” – whose objective is to improve safety and increase the protection of health and the environment.

This program, which began in the Canadian chemical industry, has now been extended to 45 countries, making the chemical industry the only one with a global program of this nature. The national chemical federations of each of the countries that develop the program are in charge of managing and coordinating it.

Each of the top executives of the companies that adhere to the program, acquires the signed and public commitment to apply the basic ethical principles of the program, and appoints a coordinator who will be responsible for its development in the company.

The Basic Principles are the following and through them the company:

  • It ensures that its business policy is consistent with that of the “Commitment to Progress”.
  • It deals with the dissemination and application of the “Progress Commitment” throughout its organization.
  • It continuously protects the environment, the health and safety of its employees and the community.
  • Inform the authorities, employees and the community of the potential risks and the necessary protection measures.
  • He advises his clients regarding their products in relation to safety and protection of health and the environment.
  • Use resources in the best possible way, reducing the production of waste.
  • Contributes to the investigation of the effects of its processes, products and waste.
  • Extends the application of good practices to contractors and subcontractors.
  • Cooperate with authorities in the development of good practices.
  • Contribute to the promotion of the “Commitment to Progress” among other companies


by Abdullah Sam
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