How to use cheats in the game: admin console, mods and debug console
Officially, there are no console commands and cheats (for example, in the developers menu) in Sons of the Forest. On the other hand, a server admin console is available, where you can set a frame rate limit or cut down all the trees on the island. In the first part of the guide, you will learn about the admin console. All commands of this console are officially allowed, and you can use them without any problems if you are the administrator of your server. The second half of the guide is devoted to special mods that will allow you to use more cheating commands in any game through the DebugMenu, but you should do this at your own peril and risk (unless you play offline, it is safe).
Admin console commands
Those with admin access to Sons of the Forest Early Access can press Enter to open a chat where you can enter console commands. Separately, I note that in the game settings, all players have access to the “Big Head” mode.
Here is a list of all commands for the admin console in Sons of the Forest Early Access:
- /help – list all available console commands
- / save [1-5] – manually save to the specified slot for saves
- /restart – Restart the game server and reset all user info including saves
- /shutdown – shut down the game server
- /ban [Steam ID] – Ban the Steam user with the specified ID
- /kick [Steam ID] – Allow the Steam user with the specified ID to connect to the game server
- /treeregrowmode – Regenerate 10% of all felled trees while the player is sleeping
- /allowbuildingdestruction – enable destruction of buildings
- /allowenemiescreative – create enemies in creative mode
- / openlogs – show logs
- /closelogs – close logs
The commands below are available only to those admins for whom the rights of the Admind category are open:
- difficulty [Peaceful/Normal/Hard/HardSurvival] – set the difficulty level of the game on the current server
- veganMode [on/off] – remove all enemies when set to on or bring them back when set to off
- vegetarianMode [on/off] – remove all daytime enemies when set to on or bring them back when set to off
- resetHolesMode [on/off] – remove all destruction in buildings after a server restart when set to on or return them back when set to off
- allowCheats [on/off] – allow all players on the server to use console commands and cheats
- saveFolderPath – defines the path to the directory of all save files for the specified game server
- targetFpsIdle [FPS] – Set server framerate limit when users are offline
- targetFpsActive [FPS] – Set a frame rate limit on the server when users are connected to the server
- configfilepath – define the path to the directory of all configuration files for the assigned game server
- realPlayerDamage [on/off] – enable a higher level of damage that players receive in PvP mode on the specified game server, depending on the weapon used
Cheat codes for Son of the Forest
First of all, you need to install a few programs and mods: Thunderstore Mod Manager , and then use it to install BepInExPack IL2CPP and DebugConsole . Links are provided under each title. After that, when launching the game, select Modded at the top right of the Thunderstore interface. The first entry into the game will take some time.
Once you do this, by pressing the F1 key you can open the debug console, and already in it enter all the codes listed below. Before entering them, we recommend that you make backup save files. Saves for the game are located at C:\User\[UserName]\AppData\LocalLow\Endnight\SonsOfTheForest\Saves.
Character Cheats
- godmode on – enable invulnerability mode
- godmode off – deactivate invulnerability mode
- buffstats – restore satiety, quench thirst, restore stamina
- regenhealth – restore health
- addallitems – add all items to inventory
- removeallitems – remove all items from inventory
- additem [name] – get a specific item (shovel (shovel) and so on)
- spawnworldobject x – add an object near the character (stick, rock and so on)
- instantbookbuild on – instant construction of structures
- instantbookbuild off – disable instant bookbuilding
- showhud off – remove the interface
- showhud on – return interface
- superjump on – high jumps
- superjump off – deactivate high jumps
- speedyrun on – fast run
- speedyrun off – deactivate fast running
- cavelight on – add light around the character
- cavelight off – remove light around the character
- createlight – a new light source will appear in the world
- settimeofday [1-24] – set time
- settimeofday morning – switch to morning
- settimeofday night – switch to night
- locktimeofday morning – leave the morning forever
- forcerain heavy – it will start to rain
- forcerain sunny – sunny weather
- season summer – switch to summer
- season autumn – switch to autumn
- season winter – switch to winter
- season spring – switch to spring
- save – save progress
AI control cheats
- addcharacter robby 1 – Kelvin clone
- addvirginia – Virginia clone
- aidodmode on – activate invulnerability for satellites
- aidodmode off – deactivate invulnerability for satellites
- aimhostplayer on – invisibility from enemies
- aimhostplayer off – opponents see you again
- aipause – all AI stand still (including companions)
- aidisable – AI can move (disable previous command)
- killradius [number] – kill all AI located in the specified radius
Other cheats
- addallbookpages
- addallitems
- addallstoryitems
- addcharacter
- additem
- additemswithtag
- addmemory
- addprefab
- addvirginia
- aiangerlevel
- aianimspeed
- aiarmorlevel
- aiarmortier
- aidisable
- aidodgetest
- aidummy
- aiforcestrafe
- aighostplayer
- aigodmode
- aijumpdebug
- aiknockdowndisable
- aimemoryadjust
- take a break
- aipoolstats
- radar
- airunworldevent
- aishowanims
- aishowdebug
- aishowdebugcamera
- aishoweventmemory
- aishowhealth
- aishawnavgraph
- aishowpaths
- aishowplayerinfluences
- aishowstats
- aishowsurvivalstats
- aishowthoughts
- help you
- aistructurelog
- aitestsleep
- athought
- athoughtnocooldown
- aivailstats
- aiverboselog
- aivillageclosest
- aiworldeventstats
- aiworldstats
- aizonestats
- allowasync
- ammohack
- animallimitmult
- animalsenabled
- state of mind
- anisoenabled
- Anisominmax
- applydefaultmaterials
- areashadow
- speed
- audio2dtest
- audiodebug
- audiodebugstates
- audiodescription
- audioparameter
- audioplayevent
- billboardenabled
- billboardignorechanges
- blockplayerfinaldeath
- breakobjects
- buffstats
- buildermode
- buildhack
- cameradiss
- camerafov
- capsulemode
- cavelight
- characterlods
- checkattachedidentities
- checkexitmenu
- checkfrozenentities
- clear
- clearallsettings
- clearaudioparameters
- clearbushradius
- clearmidactionflag
- cloudenable cloudfactor
- cloudshadowsenable
- combatteststart
- count
- countgowithlayer
- countlinkedstructures
- counttag
- createlight
- creepyvillage
- damagedebug
- damagefreeformstructure
- deathcount
- debugplayerhitlog
- debugplayermelee
- demo mode
- destroy
- destroyfreeformstructure
- destroyragdoll
- destroywildcard
- diagrenders
- diggingclear
- disablecomponent
- disablegameobjecttester
- disablego
- disablegowildcard
- disablescene
- disconnectplayer
- disconnectplayers
- dismemberradius
- dumplobbyinfo
- duplicateobject
- dynamicresolutioncycletest
- dynamicresolutionoverride
- dynamicresolutiontarget
- enablecheats
- enablecollisionbasedkillbox
- enablecomponent
- enablego
- enablescene
- enablestructureghosts
- energyhack
- exportlinkedstructurestojson
- exposuresetspeed
- filteraudio
- findobjectswithshader
- firstlookforce
- follow
- followstop
- footstepdebug
- forcecloud
- forcecloudprofile
- forceplayerexpression
- forcerain
- forceremovetrees
- freecamera
- gainstrength
- gameoverdelaytime
- gamepaddeadzone
- gamepadxsensitivity
- gamepadysensitivity
- gccollect
- getgamemode
- getlayerculldistance
- godmode goto
- gotocoords
- gotoforce
- gototag
- gotozone
- grabsgeneratebuilt
- gravity
- greebledrockscollision
- heallocalplayer
- help
- hideworldposfor
- hitlocalplayer
- igniting
- importlinkedstructuresfromfile
- inspectgo
- instantbookbuild
- instantrespawnhere
- invertlook
- invisible
- joinsteamlobby
- jumptimeofday
- kickplayers
- killlocalplayer
- killradius
- knockdownlocalplayer
- lightninghittreechance
- lightninghittreemustbeinfrontplayer
- lightninginterval
- listactiveentities
- listdeathmarkers
- listgowithlayer
- listitems
- listitemswithtags
- listobjects
- loaddebugconsolemod
- loadmacros
- loadplayer
- loadscene
- loadscenesingle
- locktimeofday
- loddebugbillboards
- loddebugmaterials
- loddebugranges
- lodforce2ddistance
- lodforce3ddistance
- logging
- loghack
- logshowerrors
- logshowinfo
- logshownone
- logshowwarnings
- logtextures
- logvirtual
- mipmapstreaming
- mipmapstreamingbudget
- mipmapstreamingdiscard
- mousexsensitivity
- mouseysensitivity
- navgraphforceupdate
- netanimator
- not skinned bones
- netspawnplayer
- openmacrosfolder outputsnappointstofile
- physicsupdatetime
- playcutscene
- playdeathcutscene
- playdeathmarker
- playdeathmarkerindex
- playeranimparams
- playerdebugcamera
- playerinterruptkeys
- playernetanimator
- playervisibility
- playgameover
- postprocessingcomponent
- profilersample
- profilersnapshot
- qualitytexture
- radio debug
- refillcontainers
- refreshentities
- rainhealth
- removeallitems
- removeallstoryitems
- removedead
- removeitem
- removeliving
- removeshader
- renderspheres
- replaceshader
- Reporterrors
- reportlogsnow
- reportwarningsnow
- resetinputaxes
- resetsettings
- revivelocalplayer
- robbycarry
- robbyincutscenes
- rumbletest
- save
- saveplayer
- season
- sendmessageto
- setcurrentday
- setdifficultymode
- setexitedendgame
- setgamemode
- setgamesetupsetting
- setgametimespeed
- setinventorypercent
- setlayerculldistance
- setlookrotation
- setopeningcrash
- setplayerrace
- setproperty
- a setter
- set speaker mode
- setstat
- setstrengthlevel
- seventhtimeofday
- setwindintensity
- setworldobjectstaterange
- showactivelights
- showbutterfly info
- showcollisionobjectnames
- showdebugzones
- showfps
- showhud
- showinworldui
- showmeshmaterialnames
- showmeshobjectnames
- showmeshtrianglecounts
- showobjectlocation
- showprojectiletrails
- showstimuli
- showtriggercollision
- showui
- showworldobjects
- showworldposfor
- slapchop
- spawnedobjectstats
- spawnfallingtree
- spawnitem
- spawnpickup
- spawnrenderspheres
- spawnworldobject
- speedyrun
- sprinttoggle
- superjump
- survival
- targetframerate
- terrainparallax
- terrainpixelerror
- terrain renderer
- terrainrendersimple
- terraintess
- terraintessdist
- testeventmask
- testingsamplefps
- timeofday
- timeofdayconnectiondebug
- timescale
- togglebeamdebug
- togglefiredebug
- togglefpsdisplay
- togglego
- togglegrabberdebug
- togglegrabsfacedebug
- toggleocclusionculling
- toggleoverlay
- toggleplayerstats
- togglestructureresistancedebug
- togglesuperstructurerooms
- togglevsync
- toggleworkscheduler
- trailer3
- treecutsimulatebolt
- treefallcontactinfo
- treeocclusionbonus
- treeradius treescutall
- unloadscene
- unloadunusedassets
- unlockseason
- visualdebug