Since its release in 2011, Saints Row: The Third has been a hit with diehard fans. The game is so advanced and well developed that it continues to attract new players to the franchise even ten years after its release. Also, the solid support from the community of modders as well as enthusiasts has certainly played a big role in keeping the game alive. Now the game itself is perfect, and when you play something for so long, the experience can feel a bit boring and dated. There are a few elements in the game that can certainly brighten things up a bit.
See also: Saints Row 4 cheat codes for Xbox One, PS4, PC, Xbox 360
To breathe new life into the game, you can access the game console. This allows you to execute various commands and cheat codes, allowing you to customize the game world to your liking. If you like a little tweaking, console commands are a great way to drastically improve an already great gaming experience. You can create vehicles and items, get all weapons at once, change the weather, earn respect, and even turn all pedestrians into zombies using simple commands and cheat codes.
Cheat codes for Saints Row: The Third
- goldengun
This cheat will give you a one hit kill.
- runfast
This cheat code is used to get an infinite sprint.
- repaircar
You can fix your car with this cheat code.
- vroom
After using this code, your machine will become invulnerable.
- isquishyou
Your car crushes others as a result of this cheat.
- notrated
As soon as you use this code, all those killed turn into a bloody mess.
- fryhole
This will allow dead bodies to float in the air.
- cheese
This cheat will bring you $100,000.
- letrock
With this code you will get all the weapons.
- lol
This cheat will give you +1 gang renown.
- oops
This cheat code will remove the notoriety of the gang.
- pissoffpigs
This cheat will give you police renown +1.
- goodygoody
Removes the notoriety of the police.
- whatitmeanstome
This cheat code is used to earn respect.
- brains
This will spawn zombie walkers.
- dui
Drunk pedestrians.
- mascot –
Pedestrian mascot.
- hoho
This cheat code is used for pimp and ho walkers.
- clearskies
This cheat code will change the weather to Sunny.
- overcast
This cheat code will change the weather to Cloudy.
- lightrain
This cheat code will change the weather to Rainy.
- heavyrain
This cheat code will change the weather to Heavy Rain.
- givesheperd
This cheat will give you 45 shepherds.
- giveapoca
This cheat will give you Apocafists.
- givear55
This code is used to get AR 55.
- giveultimax
This cheat will give you AS3 Ultimax.
- givebaseball
This cheat will give you a baseball bat.
- givechainsaw
This code is used to get a chainsaw.
- givecyber
This cheat will give you cyber security.
- givecybersmg
This cheat will give you a cyber blaster.
- giveblossom
This code is used for the heyday of D4TH.
- giveelectric
This cheat will give you an electric grenade.
- giveflamethrower
This cheat will give you a flamethrower.
- giveflashbang
This code is used to get flash.
- givelauncher
This cheat will give you a GL G20 grenade.
- givedigger
This cheat code will give you a grave digger.
- givegrenade
This code is used to get a grenade.
- givekrukov
This cheat will give you K-8 Krukov.
- givecobra
This cheat will give you the KA-1 Kobra.
- givesniper
This code is used to get McManus 2015.
- giveminigun
This cheat will give you a Minigun.
- givemolotov
This cheat code will give you a Molotov.
- givesword
This code is used to get the Nocturne.
- givercgun
This cheat will give you the RC Possessor.
- givedrone
This cheat will give you a reaper drone.
- giverpg
This code is used to get the RPG.
- giving hammer
This cheat code will give you an S3X Hammer.
- giveairstrike
This cheat will give you SA-3 Airstrike.
- givesatchel
This code is used to get a backpack charge.
- giverocket
This cheat will give you an impact hammer.
- giveonic
This cheat will give you a sonic boom.
- givestungun
This code is used to get a stun gun.
- givetek
This code is used to get TEK Z-10
- givedildo
This cheat will give you a criminal.
- giveslm8
This code is used to obtain the Viper Laser Rifle.
- giving ambulance
This code will help you call an ambulance.
- giveanchor
This code will help you create an anchor.
- give attraction
This code is used to create the Attraction.
- givebootlegger
This code will help you get Bootlegger up and running.
- givechallenger
This code will help you create a challenger.
- givecommander
This code is used to create the Commander.
- givecondor
This code will help you create a condor.
- giveeagle
This code will help you create an eagle.
- givesestrada
This code is used to create Bandstand.
- givevtol
This code will help you create F69 Vtol.
- givegatmobile
This code will help you create a Gatmobile.
- givecanada
This code is used to create Kaneda.
- givekenshin
This code will help you create Kenshin.
- giveknoxville
This code will help you create Knoxville.
- givekrukov
This code is used to create Kryukov.
- givemiami
This code will help you create Miami.
- givemunicipal
This code will help you create a municipal.
- givenforcer
This code is used to create Nforcer.
- givepeacemaker
This code will help you create a peacemaker.
- givephoenix
This code will help you create the Phoenix.
- givequasar
This code is used to create the Quasar.
- giver reaper
This code will help you create a Reaper.
- givesandstorm
This code will help you summon Sandstorm.
- giveshark
This code is used to create the Shark.
- givespecter
This code will help you create a Specter.
- givesquasar
This code will help you create Squasar.
- gavestatusquo
This code is used to create the status quo.
- givetaxi
This code will help you call a taxi.
- givetitan
This code will help you create a Titan.
- givetoad
This code is used to create the Toad.
- givetornado
This code will help you create a Tornado.
- givevortex
This code will help you create a Vortex.
- givevtol
This code is used to create VTOL.
- givevulture
This code will help you create the Vulture.
- givewidowmaker
This code will help you create Widowmaker.
- givewoodpecker
This code is used to create Woodpecker.