Cheat codes and console commands for Age of Civilizations 2

Age of Civilizations 2 is an epic war game that is easy to learn but hard to master. Your goal is to use military tactics and cunning diplomacy to unite the world or conquer it. Will the world bleed or bow before you? The choice is yours..


Cheat codes and console commands for Age of Civilizations 2

Firstly, to enter a cheat code, you must first go to the country menu, and enter “hi” in the “Enter message” line.

  • addciv [country tag]

Adds a civilization to the selected province.

  • addplayer

Adds a new player to the selected country.

  • army

+300 warriors.

  • money

+450 money.

  • population

Adds population to the selected province.

  • civs

Shows tags of all countries.

  • diplomacy

+0.7 movement points.

  • scale + value

Changes the scale of the map (values ​​from 1 to 5).

  • fps

Displays the FPS counter.

  • war + ID1 + ID2

Start a war between 2 civilizations.

  • world + ID1 + ID2

Sign peace between 2 civilizations at war.

  • buildport

Build a port in the selected province.

  • buildfort

Build a fort in the selected province.

  • buildtower

Build a tower in the selected province.

  • civs

Shows the ID for each civilization (and TAGS).

  • civ

Shows the ID and TAG of the selected civilization (the selected province that is part of the civilization).

  • province

Returns information about the selected province

  • showids

Shows province IDs on those provinces (kind of like showing the army, but it’s the province ID instead of the army)


Console commands

  • info

Game information (fps, your graphics settings, etc.)

  • debug

Starts debug mode.

  • center

Centers the camera in the center of the map.

  • centerciv + ID

Centers the camera on the civ with the corresponding ID.

  • scale + value

Changes the scale of the map (values ​​from 1 to 5).

  • close/bye

Closes the console.

  • fps

Displays the FPS counter.

  • spin

Rotates the camera slightly.

  • help

Show commands.

  • party/flags

Shows each flag on the screen;

  • clear

Clears the console.

  • civs

Shows the ID for each civilization (and TAGS).

  • civ

Shows the ID and TAG of the selected civilization (the selected province that is part of the civilization).

  • province

Shows information about the selected province.

  • showids

Shows the province IDs on those provinces (kind of like showing the army, but it’s the province ID instead of the army).

  • addplayer

Add another player to the selected province.

  • technology + value

Add technologies to the selected civilization; 1000 means give them 1.0;

  • population

Gives 750 population.

  • Armyset/setarmy + value

In the selected province, changes the army to the selected number; note that this code CHANGES, but does not ADD;

  • id

Gives the ID of the civilization and the selected province.

  • war + ID1 + ID2

Start a war between 2 civilizations.

  • pease + ID1 + ID2

Sign peace between 2 civilizations at war.

  • buildport

Build a port in the selected province.

  • buildfort

Build a fort in the selected province.

  • buildtower

Build a tower in the selected province.

  • economy

Adds 600 money.

  • army

Add 300 armies to the selected province.

  • money

Adds 450 money.

  • movement

Gives you movement points.

  • diplomacy

Gives diplomacy points.

  • reloadprovince + ID

Reloads the province.