Some of Charlie Chaplin’s famous quotes

Charlie Chaplin’s quote on life, love, art, humor

Famous comedian and cinematographer Charlie Chaplin was born on April 7 , 1819, on Barlow Street in Welworth , south London , England . He has not received any valid birth certificate and has been left in a mist along the place of birth. His father is Charles Chaplin Sr. and mother Hannah Chaplin . Both parents worked in the entertainment world. Charlie’s hand in his mother’s hands. Chaplin is also regarded as one of the greatest movers and comedians on the big screen. Chaplin’s influence in the film industry is undeniable. He went through a difficult childhood but never lost his life. And maybe that’s why he was so lively –

“I have many problems in my life but my lips do not know it so he always smiles. “

He died of his stroke in the morning of December 7th, suffering from a stroke in his sleep. At the time of his death, he was 5 years old. It is said that a beautiful word is more valuable than a precious diamond. His invaluable quotes on various topics can help people on earth to see the path of life. So today we know Charlie Chaplin’s quotes and famous sayings –

Inspirational Charlie Chaplin Quote: –

4) “There is nothing permanent in this world, not even our problems. ”

2) “It is difficult to achieve simplicity. ”

3) The deeper the truth within a creative work, the longer it will last. ”

4) “It takes courage to fool yourself into failure. ”

4) “Learn to play with your own pains if you want to laugh openly.” ”

3) “Let’s fight for the impossible. The great achievements of history have been made possible by conquering those that were considered impossible. ”

Read more: 5 famous quotes by Dale Carnegie

Life and Life Quote: –

4) “My best friend is a mirror, because when I cry I don’t laugh. ”

3) “If you look down you will never find a rainbow. ”

3) “Life can be wonderful if you are not afraid of it. It requires courage, imagination and a little bit of grit. ”

4) Life can be wonderful if people leave you alone. ”

3) “At the end, everything is mocking. ”

12) “A day without laughter means that day is wasted. ”

Sad words: –

3) “My sorrows may be the cause of some laughter, but my laughter should never become a cause of sorrow. ”

4) “I walk in the rain so that no one can see my tears. ”

3) “Close-up life is a tragedy, but in a long shot it is a comedy.” ”

Love Quote: –

Give love, spread love. ”

With a smile: –

3) “Laughter is a medicine that relieves sorrow. ”

3) “A day without laughter means that day is wasted.” ”

People say: –

4) “We all want to help each other, people are like that, we live with the happiness of others, not the suffering. ”

3) “I want to see the return of modesty and kindness”

27) “We think more, work less. ”

Art Quote: –

27) “Art is a love letter written to the world.


by Abdullah Sam
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