How To Fix Error Code CE-34878-0 On Cyberpunk 2077 PS4

Cyberpunk 2077 CE-34878-0 – This guide will show you how to fix Error Code CE-34878-0 on the PS4 version of Cyberpunk 2077.

How To Fix Error Code CE-34878-0 On Cyberpunk 2077 PS4

Cyberpunk 2077 is finally available on all platforms. And so far, the game is working very well. It’s definitely one of the best RPG titles of this decade. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that Cyberpunk 2077 still has some bugs and errors that CD PROJEKT RED needs to fix. The Error Code CE-34878-0 is one of them.

Some PS4 users are getting error code CE-34878-0 in Cyberpunk 2077. Here are the things you can do to fix it.

How to fix CE-34878-0 On Cyberpunk 2077 PS4

Error code CE-34878-0 is a very common error on the PS4 and there are many ways to fix it. Here are the fixes recommended by people in the community:

Delete the saved game files from your system under Application Saved Data, then delete the game and then rebuild the database. And how to do that, you ask? Begin by turning off your console completely. Unplug the power cord and leave it like this for about 2 minutes. This will clear the cache. Now reconnect the power cord and press and hold the power button. If everything goes according to plan, you should hear a beep and then another beep after ten seconds. Release the power button and your console should now boot into safe mode.

As indicated on the screen, you need to press the PS button on your controller. For this, connect your controller directly to the USB port. A list should appear on the screen. Select the Rebuild Database option and press OK. Depending on how much you have in your system, it could take a while. But when it comes to time, it is still less time than reinstalling all your games.

The facial recognition feature on the PS4 has some bugs. You can cause games to crash with error CE-34878-0. Here’s how we disable it. Go to Settings in the console menu> Select Login Settings> Uncheck the box next to Enable Face Recognition> Restart your PS4.

If none of these work, then you have no choice but to reinstall the game. We are still testing the game. More fixes on the way!You can also check the official Cyberpunk 2077 forums. You will get a good idea of ​​the situation.If you think this guide has helped you, please let us know in the comment section below. And for more Cyberpunk guides, stay tuned to Frondtech. We will cover all glitches and bugs in the game. Good luck!