Causes of red spots on the face and safe ways to heal them

Red spots on the face can not only interfere with appearance, but also raise concerns about the overall health of the skin. However, if you know the cause of these spots, you can choose the right treatment to get rid of them.

Red spots on the face are one of the most common skin complaints. They can appear as flat lesions when you touch them (macules) or as raised or swollen lesions (papules).There are several possibilities that make red spots appear on the face, ranging from irritation, allergies, to tumor symptomsand skin cancer. If you feel worried or disturbed by the appearance of these red spots, consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Various causes of red spots on the face and their treatment

The red spots on your face can appear due to many factors. Here are some common causes of these spots and how to fix them.

1. Prickly heat

Prickly heat can cause red spots on the face.

Prickly heat can appear if your pores are covered with dust or sweat and usually appear during hot weather or after exercise. Prickly heat is characterized by the appearance of fluid-filled sores that feel hot and itchy.The good news is, this red spot on the face can disappear itself when the skin is calmer, for example because of washing your face or being in an air-conditioned room. However, if the itching and burning sensation in prickly heat is very annoying, you can apply ointments, creams, or lotions that contain calamine.On prickly heatIn severe cases, the treatment is carried out using steroid creams. However, this drug should only be used with a doctor’s prescription.

2. Acne

Acne can occur when hair follicles become clogged with oil (sebum) or dead skin cells that build up on the surface of the skin. Apart from causing red spots on the face that are raised (papules), the lesions can also be filled with pus, or form a blackhead (blackhead).

Treatment of acne on the face will depend on the type. If the pimple is a raised red spot (papule), you should apply a cream that contains active ingredients such as retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, orsalicylic acid.Some types of acne also require antibiotic help so that they quickly disappear from the face. However, the use of antibiotics should only be done on the recommendation of a doctor.

3. Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitisaka allergies are skin reactions when exposed to certain allergens. Allergens can take any form, from pollen flowers that blow in the wind and land on the face, to the use of certain substances on facial skin.These red spots on the face will cause itching and swelling. Most of the lesions can heal after applying an antihistamine cream or doctor’s cream (if the condition is severe enough).

4. Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitisaka eczema is a red spot on the face that appears suddenly, itching, and looks rough and even crusty. Unfortunately, this condition can only be alleviated by avoiding its triggers, but it cannot be cured.However, a dermatologist can prescribe certain medications to reduce itching and redness. This medicine may contain steroids that are safe to use as long as it is according to a doctor’s guidelines.

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5. Herpes zoster

Shingles, aka shingles, are red spots on the face that feel painful and watery. Herpes zoster lesions are often mistaken for smallpox because they are caused by the same virus, the varicella zoster virus.The difference is, shinglesmore common in adults or older people who are over 50 years of age. Herpes zoster treatment is done by administering antivirals or creams to relieve pain or itching on the red spots.

6. Rosacea

Rosacea causes red spots on the face, similar to pimples.

One type of rosacea is papulopustular rosacea, which is characterized by the appearance of large red spots on the face similar to acne. Rosacea must be treated immediately so that it does not become permanent on the face or even cause complications on the skin.Treatment can be done by applying cream or gel, taking medication, or through laser light action. If rosacea has caused a thickening of the skin, the doctor will recommend surgery so that the skin can return to its normal smooth and normal state.

7. Cancer

Although rare, red spots on the face can also be cancerous lesions. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), the cancer lesion in question is a type of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) or known as sezary syndrome, one of the rare diseases in the world.When the doctor diagnoses this one skin problem, you will be advised to undergo treatment like other cancer sufferers.

by Abdullah Sam
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