How to improve self-esteem with simple exercises?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and didn’t like your own image? Didn’t you feel good at work, in relationships and thought you weren’t good enough? Be careful, these are signs of low self-esteem. This is a frequent problem and can disrupt your personal and professional life. Many women I attend often ask me what to do … Read more

Languages ​​of love: find out which one is yours and improve your relationship

Love is universal, it is the force that moves everything. However, we express, give and receive this love in different ways. Just as there are several languages ​​like Spanish, English, French, Japanese and others, there are also some basic “languages” to express love. As these languages ​​vary, you can speak a “language”, but your partner, your parents, your … Read more

10 things you need to know about polycystic ovary

Have you heard about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? It is a hormonal imbalance that affects women around the world and can have serious effects if left untreated. According to the World Health Organization, between 5 and 10% of women of childbearing age suffer from this hormonal imbalance that can cause changes in the menstrual cycle, cysts in … Read more

What is the difference between love and passion? Do you know the difference?

We grew up hearing that passion is different from love. Pop culture books, films and songs try to explain to us what differentiates these two feelings, but they are not always successful. Defining something so subjective is a really complicated task and people have a hard time separating one feeling from the other. Do you know under what … Read more