What is the pulse for?

The wrist is an articulation that allows you to flex and extend your hand . It is a complex joint that connects the bones of the forearm to those of the hand. Its continuous use can cause damage that limits its ability to move. What is the pulse? The wrist is made up of two bones of the forearm, the ulna and the radius , … Read more

What is the pleura for?

The pleura is a membrane that covers the two lungs , made up of two sheets , called pleural sheets . These are distinguished in the parietal pleural sheet (or parietal pleura) and in the visceral pleural sheet (or visceral pleura). The former covers the lungs externally by dividing them from the chest wall, while the latter wraps the inner surface of the lung . The pleura has a serous composition. What is the … Read more

What are parathyroid glands for?

The parathyroid glands (the parathyroid glands) ensure and guarantee the production and secretion of the parathyroid or parathyroid hormone . This secretion is internal, that is, endocrine, and parathyroid hormone is a special hormone essential for regulating the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus (but also of other minerals) within the body. What are parathyroid glands? The parathyroid glands are glands of moderate size , which reach … Read more

What is the pancreas?

The pancreas is an elongated cone-shaped gland responsible for endocrine and exocrine secretion . The first involves the direct introduction of the secretion into the bloodstream, while the second involves the secretion process in which the product is introduced into a natural cavity in the body or released to the outside. The pancreas is positioned almost horizontally , and is located in the upper part … Read more

What is the ovary?

The ovary is an organ made up of two glands , known by the designation of ovaries . With the uterus , the fallopian tubes (also known as “uterine tubes” or “salpingi”), the vagina and vulva , the ovaries make up the female reproductive system . What is the ovary? The ovaries (or female gonads) are two almond-shaped glands, located respectively on the sides of the uterus. The ovaries have dimensions that, in an adult … Read more

What is the sense of smell?

The sense of smell , also known as smell , is the sense assigned to the perception of odorous stimuli .The olfactory stimuli are received by the nasal mucosa , and transmitted to the cells responsible for their transport to the brain, which transforms this stimulus into perception. The smell is therefore possible thanks to the interaction between the nose and the brain. What is the sense … Read more