What is Accountability

Accountability is a set of mechanisms that allow the managers of an organization to be accountable and to be held responsible for the results of their actions. The term accountability does not have a specific translation into Portuguese, but it can be related to accountability , inspection and social control . This term can be applied in private organizations, but it is used especially … Read more

What are cartels?

The cartel is the association between companies in the same branch of production with the aim of dominating the market, disciplining competition and maximizing their profits. The parties agree to standardize a price, guaranteeing a high value for their products or services. The formation of a cartel is illegal , as it damages the economy and … Read more

What is structural racism?

Structural racism refers to the set of institutional practices and social, economic and political relations that favor one ethnic group over another. It is the structures of society that directly or indirectly promote racial prejudice and contribute to perpetuating inequalities. Structural racism in Brazil has its origin in the process of enslavement of the African population brought … Read more

What is Coaf?

The Financial Activities Control Council ( Coaf ) is an organ of the Brazilian government, created in 1998, which works to prevent and combat money laundering. Currently, Coaf is linked to the Central Bank and has already produced more than 40 thousand financial intelligence reports. About 400 of these were responsible for starting major operations such as Lava … Read more

What is Coaf?

The Financial Activities Control Council ( Coaf ) is an organ of the Brazilian government, created in 1998, which works to prevent and combat money laundering. Currently, Coaf is linked to the Central Bank and has already produced more than 40 thousand financial intelligence reports. About 400 of these were responsible for starting major operations such as Lava … Read more

What is PwD?

The acronym PwD stands for disabled person . Identifies people who have some kind of disability, which can be born or acquired during life. The acronym began to be used in 2006, when the United Nations (UN) published the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities . Before that, the expression “disabled person” was used, which is … Read more