What is Sexism

Sexism is the act of discrimination and sexual objectification , it is when someone or a group is reduced only by gender or sexual orientation. One of the most common cases of sexism is stipulating that the color pink is related to the female gender, and blue to the male gender. Sexism is usually associated with the … Read more

What is Gentrification

Gentrification is a process of transformation of urban centers through the change of the social groups that exist there, where the low-income community leaves and residents of the wealthier strata enter. The phenomenon results from urban revitalization, in which previously abandoned spaces are seen with potential by certain social and economic groups. This causes an increase in the … Read more

What is urban mobility

Urban mobility is the condition created for people to be able to move between different areas of a city . Currently, private cars and public transport are the most used means of urban mobility. Cars, however, represent a major problem for the quality of urban mobility, especially in large urban centers and metropolises. When there is no correct … Read more

What is religious intolerance

Religious intolerance is discrimination against people and groups that have different beliefs or religions , and is mainly marked by aggressive and offensive attitudes. Freedom of expression guarantees individuals the right to express their opinions on a given subject, including criticism of religious dogmas, for example. However, religious intolerance starts to take shape when the person acts with … Read more

What is a Transgender

Transgender (trans) is an individual who identifies with a gender other than that corresponding to their assigned sex at the time of birth. Transgenderity is not a disease or psychological disorder. According to traditional social conventions, there are two types of genders: male and female. For a long time , gender identity was linked exclusively to people’s biological sex. Learn more about Gender Identity . … Read more

Great Essay About Winter Season

Winter is the fourth season of the year in the temperate zones, it is the coldest and darkest time of the year. Depending on which hemisphere winter prevails, a distinction is made between northern winter and southern winter. The trees are really bare now, the ground is frozen and often covered with snow. In the dead of winter, … Read more