Islamic Banking

Islamic banking refers to a banking system that complies with Islamic law, also known as Shariah law. The basic principles governing Islamic banking are profit and risk sharing between the parties involved, the guarantee of justice for all and transactions based on business or asset-based activities. These principles are supported by the core values ​​of … Read more

Difference between Shias and Sunnis

The difference between Shiites and Sunnis lies mainly in the conception of the Prophet Muhammad’s lineage and in his political-religious authority. After the death of the prophet Muhammad (or Mohammed), the founder of Islam and author of the holy book Qur’an , there was a dispute process to decide who should succeed him, since Islam was not just a religion disconnected … Read more

Islamic Sufism

Islamic Sufism consists of a set of mystical practices, of an initiatory character, developed by Islamic scholars. In the Western world, especially from the turn of the 20th century to the 21st century, a somewhat skewed, if not negative, view of the Islamic religion was built. This is due to several factors, but one of the … Read more

History of the Muslim Brotherhood

Islamic fundamentalism, or Islamic radicalism, has its roots in the so-called “Muslim Brotherhood” ( Al Ikhwan Al Muslimun ) , an organization founded by Hassan Al-Banna in Egypt in 1929. In recent years, the name of the Muslim Brotherhood has been various press agencies due to events such as the Arab Spring and the Civil War in Syria. The defense of Sharia (Islamic Law) and the extremist … Read more


The Muslim religion is Islam  that is, Muslims are the followers of that religion . Although it is a recurring misconception, Muslims and Arabs are not synonymous! Being Arab means belonging to the ethnic group that mainly inhabits the Middle East and northern Africa, while being Muslim means only having faith in Islam . It is a fact that the majority of Arabs are Muslims , but it is not a rule, after … Read more

What are the Conditions of Islam?

The conditions of Islam, which form the basis of the religion of Islam, must be known by all Muslims. So, what are the 5 Conditions of Islam? What 5 Terms of Islam describe. Here, information about the conditions of Islam . The conditions of Islam are the conditions that form the basis of Islam. We have … Read more