
Lophophores. The lophophorates are a grouping of three phyla of dubious phylogenetic position: Phoronids , Brachiopods , and Bryozoans . The members of these groups are related to the deuterostomes and their structure is trimetameric, that is, the …

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Lecithochirium sp.

Lecithochirium sp. Marine Parasites encompass a number of organisms from different taxonomic groups, of great importance for their contribution to the Biodiversity of Ecosystems . Any animal or plant organism harbors at least some type of Parasite . To this can …

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Legatus leucophaius

Legatus leucophaius . Bird distributed in South America and the Caribbean. It is the only species of the genus Legatus. It is easily recognized because the adults show a yellow spot on their sooty brown crown; They also have …

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Fish Anatomy

The anatomy of fishes is determined by physical characteristics of water , much denser than air, with less dissolved oxygen and greater absorption of light , and by the evolutionary component of each species within the superclass Fishes and whether they have throats . …

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Bird Anatomy

The anatomy of birds . Including its physiology , it displays many unique adaptations intended, most to ensure the ability to fly. Birds have evolved to possess a light and powerful skeletal and muscular system that, together with …

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