What was Aztec civilization?

The Aztec civilization was a prosperous Mesoamerican people that settled in the central and southern territory of present-day  Mexico City , between 1345 AD. C. and 1521 d. It became the   dominant culture of the region until the arrival of the European conquerors. The Aztecs, also called Mexica, were one of the main  pre-Columbian civilizations , along with the Olmec ,  Toltec  and Teotihuacan cultures  . They reached their maximum expression under the condition of … Read more

What is the Zapotec culture?

The Zapotec culture is one of the oldest and most important in Mesoamerica , and was an icon of the artistic expression of the Zapotec peoples during pre-Columbian times (between 500 BC and 900 AD). They occupied the Mexican territory of the present valley of Oaxaca and the isthmus of Tehuantepec. They believed in their direct origin from … Read more

Mesopotamian civilization

The Mesopotamian civilization took place around 4000 BC. C. and corresponds to the first populations with permanent settlements. It was established in a very fertile territory, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the current region of Iraq. Hence the origin of the name Mesopotamia, which means “land between rivers.” The civilizations of Egypt and Greece developed in parallel, with less power and in a more isolated way. Mesopotamia stood … Read more

What is classicism?

Classicism is called the search to recover values , both aesthetic and thematic, of classical civilizations , that is, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome . Throughout history, classicism was manifested during the Renaissance , in some Baroque currents , and at different times in the 18th and 19th centuries , especially between 1780 and 1820, approximately, in the movement called Neoclassicism that had enormous influence on the official architecture, both European and American. Characteristics … Read more

Who were the Pharisees?

The Pharisees were  a political and religious movement belonging to Judaism that emerged between 587 and 536 BC. C., whose doctrine evolved and was strengthened during the second century AD. C. These were considered the most influential group within their religion , which politically represented the Jews. They were men dedicated to business and social relations among the population . Among some of their values, … Read more

Who were the scribes?

Since ancient times, scribes have been people dedicated to being copyists, cultured characters who wrote and controlled laws, tax matters, architecture and calculations . The Latin term ” scriba” and the Hebrew “so-fer” convey the idea of ​​a secretary, copyist or scribe, and also of an intellectually educated person. The work of the scribes was considered very broad and important, and they were seen as teachers. In … Read more