
Pharynx also known as throat, it is a single hollow and muscular tube that conducts air to the larynx and food to the esophagus . At least seven canals are counted that coincide at this point …

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Spleen. From the Latin badius , which means reddish, also called lien or splen (from the Latin and Greek respectively), it is a lymphoid organ interspersed in the path of blood circulation, which has several functions, among which defense, hemopoiesis , hemocateresis and blood reservoir . However, despite …

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The Uterus . Also called the womb or womb, it is the organ of pregnancy and the largest organ of the female reproductive system in most mammals, including humans. It is a hollow, pear-shaped, extraperitoneal, muscular …

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Liver . From the lat. ( Ecur ficatum , liver fed with figs). Asymmetric odd gland , the largest in the body, located in the upper abdomen , below the diaphragm and consisting of the gathering of a considerable number of …

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The urethra is the last portion of the renal apparatus and in the case of the male sex it is also the reproductive system. It constitutes the expulsion conduit of the urine stored …

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Eyes It is an organ that detects light , so it is the basis of the sense of sight. It is made up of a system sensitive to light changes, capable of transforming these …

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Tongue (anatomy)

The tongue is an odd, medium and symmetrical mobile organ located inside the mouth that performs important functions such as chewing, swallowing, language and the sense of taste. The musculature has a …

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