Car window film: how it works and which one to choose

Have you come across a few cars on the street with car window films , and have you always wondered how they work, who can put them on and what are the consequences of such a feature?

Well, in our today’s in-depth study we will deal precisely with understanding how vehicles obscured through car window films work , useful for protecting the privacy of passengers and … not only.

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The advantages of car window films

What limits for tinting window films?

The advantages of car window films

The advantages of automotive window films are numerous, and are solely related to maintaining better privacy, although it is probably the greatest benefit.

It is evident, in fact, that the darkened coverings prevent you from looking inside the passenger compartment from the outside of the same car and, therefore, can protect the privacy of the occupants. On the other hand, they do not prevent those inside the car from being able to look outside, thus allowing an ideal livability for passengers, who will always be able to control what happens outside the car.

However, in addition to privacy, there are some other important benefits that you shouldn’t forget.

For example, one of the best known and most appreciated is the one that reduces the energy consumption of the car. By shielding the windows, in fact, it will be possible to reduce the effects of heating induced by the sun’s rays and, consequently, also the need for air conditioning, estimated that it will be possible to contain the temperatures of the passenger compartment by a few degrees.

Then there is a further benefit that is less famous and known, but which must not be underestimated for this: we refer to the possibility of increasing the level of safety in the event of an accident. The blackout films for car windows , in fact, manage to retain the fragments of the windows in case of breakage, thus preventing the micro-splinters from harming the occupants.

Finally, but certainly not underestimated, there is the benefit linked to the possibility of having better care of the interior. The sun is notoriously an enemy for a great many vehicle materials, such as fabric. By applying blackout films it will be possible to slow down their deterioration, by retaining a good part of the UV rays which are the main cause of the deterioration of   the vehicle interior .

What limits for tinting window films?

But be careful: the use of tinting films for car windows has limits. But what are they?

In our country an attempt was made to clarify this issue with the ministerial circular Prot. N. 1680 / M360, by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, which provided that the application of obfuscating coatings can only take place in compliance with certain parameters and with films manufactured and sold within the European Union.

The films must therefore be approved for the type of glass of your car model and, for this reason, we do not recommend the application of these materials through the do-it-yourself, preferring instead to resort to a professional in the sector.

It is also necessary to remember how the law prevents the darkening product from being applied in the front windows and in the windscreen: it is instead possible to apply it without problems in the rear side windows and in the rear window, and only if the car is equipped with two rear-view mirrors, in order to guarantee the best visibility while driving.

And who doesn’t respect these indications? For offenders, penalties of between a minimum of 85 euros and a maximum of 338 euros are envisaged. There are therefore no withdrawals of the car from circulation or penalties of a different type than the administrative ones mentioned above.


by Abdullah Sam
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